Last Saturday night before going to sleep, I listened to the first part of an interview with Juan O Savin on Elijah Streams.
During the night I woke and as I turned to look at the clock, Father got my attention! It was 3.33 which multiples up to my life number – 27.
As I realized the clock would only say this for a brief 60 seconds, I was given the above title for this blog.
The next morning I finished listening to the interview with Juan. His final words were, “This is as epic a Moment as has ever happened in American history.”
At 3.33 Father had then begun to give me heaven’s perspective of our day that had just passed at the St Paul Artisan Festival and of our work over the years in the USA. It seemed to dovetail precisely with what I had been hearing from Juan O Savin.
I would strongly encourage you to listen below. This background information and current update might also end up being one of the most important “A-Ha!” 1 hr. 48 minutes moments of your life too!
Briefly stated, Juan talks about the Baal worship involving child sacrifice which exists in America today. Parents in ancient cultures also mistakenly believed that by offering up their children to this false god would bring prosperity. The contest on Mount Carmel between the prophets of Baal and the true prophet, Elijah is a picture of the moment we are again at in His-story.
Juan then talks about Baal being represented by a bull and uses the analogy of a bull fight to describe the Critical Moment we find ourselves in.
It is 10 minutes into the third round of a bull fight that a forth trumpet is sounded. This tells the Matador that he has only 5 minutes left in which to kill the bull. In the first rounds he has been aided by the picadors in weakening the bull so that it’s proud head drops down exposing the space between the shoulder blades where the ‘kill shot’ must be delivered. The Matador, risking all, has a very narrow window of time in which to strike the heart.
Juan points out that the contest between Baal and Yahweh took place on Baal’s turf, so as to speak on the top of Mount Carmel. There children would be put in the lap of the image of the ‘bull’ god to be consumed by an evil fire
Now some of you may have noticed the ‘deliberate mistake’ in the above title. “This should be PART 2 of the series.” you might say. Well as Father showed me the significance of our Wee Ones Wear event on Saturday, I realized that the previous blog was not just an announcement about this, but in fact God’s ‘set up’ for this series unfolding in ‘real time’. (He makes no distinction between Sacred and Secular!)
Was there a message in The LOCATION of the WEE ONES WEAR event/contest?
It was…… on SUMMIT Avenue.
Father then confirmed the location was ‘set’ by Him, through a triple witness of St. Paul at St. Paul’s church in the city of St Paul!
The street number was 2022, so we knew the purpose of our being present there was to bring and be a blessing (222)
The St Paul UCC church could be described as ‘woke’ – affirming of abortion among other things.
Interestingly the LOCATION of the WEE ONES WEAR table was at the Main Entrance,……..opposite SANTA.
Of course the name SANTA is easily rearranged into SATAN. The hollowness of this Santa’s fake “HO! HO! HO!” also struck me.
As children were sat by their parents upon his lap and engulfed in his red cloak it reminded me of what I had read of the child sacrifice of Baal worship…..’Writing in the 4th century B.C.E, the Greek historian Cleitarchus said of the Carthaginian practice, “There stands in their midst a bronze statue of Kronos, its hands extended over a bronze brazier, the flames of which engulf the child. When the flames fall upon the body, the limbs contract and the open mouth seems almost to be laughing until the contracted body slips quietly into the brazier. Thus it is that the ‘grin’ is known as ‘sardonic laughter,’ since they die laughing.” “Kronos” was a regional name for Baal Hammon, the chief of Carthage’s gods.’
God is represented by fire in Deuteronomy 4. The fire of God however is the opposite to this fire. In Jeremiah 7:31 God says,” They have built the high places of Tofet in the Ben-Hinnom Valley, to burn their sons and daughters in the fire, something I never ordered; in fact, such a thing never even entered my mind!”
God’s fire is the fire of love It is this ‘fiery love’ of God that I sing about in ‘The Flame‘ song. It was this holy fire that consumed the evil on Mount Carmel and that purifies our hearts.
This story is also depicted in Irish history in the story of Patrick’s contest by fire with the Druids on Mount Tara…..a story we enacted for many years as we travelled across the USA performing “Would the Real St. Patrick Please Stand Up.” Time and again we would lead folk in the chorus,
“Arise and shine O mighty one.
Arise and shine your sleep is done.
Arise and shine your light has come.
Your light is Christ. Ireland’s /America’s true Son.”
Is this the Critical Moment when that calling forth will find a fulfillment?
Juan then turns his attention to how in this Moment, a very unusual case has been selected (out of 5-8,000 ) by the Supreme Court.
It has been brought by 4 famous trumpeters, The Brunson Brothers.
It alleges that the US Congress and Senate failed in their legal and sworn obligations to spend 10 days reviewing the results of the 2020 election before certifying it. Because this is deemed a ‘national security’ issue it could result in SCOTUS making a ruling that could happen very quickly and could involve the dismissal of all those members of government involved in such an erroneous certification. Juan then suggests that Trump, whom he sees as the matador, might then legally step back into a presidency that he never conceded nor was decommissioned from.
Does the court case brought by The FOUR TRUMPETERS signal that we are at the point in the bull fight of the FORTH TRUMPET being sounded?
Then I realized there was significance not only in the LOCATION of the WEE ONES WEAR event, but in the TIMING.
WEE ONES WEAR had been assigned TABLE FOUR, and it was in the FOURTH VERSE of ‘The Flame’ song that I had written, in 2000, long before Trump had decided to run for the presidency….
“When this age shall end, and THE TIME HAS COME
FOR THE TRUMP TO SOUND, and our Lord to come.”
Time will tell what this all means.
Our trust is not in Juan O Savin, Donald Trump, or any man, but in God alone to answer our prayer that His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as in heaven in His way and in His time. In the meantime, our responsibility as his people is to awake and to engage actively “on the ground’, in our locali situations in whatever way God has gifted us and directs us, fearlessly speaking the truth and manifesting the love of God in every relationship and situation.
The Spirit behind WEE ONES WEAR seeks to value the light of life in every child of God from the moment of conception… see each person recognize themselves as blessed (25) and crowned as a child of the King.
We were made aware of a sadness at the festival, as adult after adult admired the beautiful garments but then lamented, “But we have no children or grandchildren to buy for!” We realized this was the bad fruit of the destructive spirit of Baal that subtly seeks to destroy the children and the joy they bring to a community! The Satanic depopulation agenda is now being born out dramatically in the falling birthrate and failing fertility worldwide!
The scripture however we were given on our way to the festival was, “With joy you shall draw water from the wells of salvation (Yeshua)” (Is,12:3) and the forth verse of The Flame joyfully concludes with the coming of our victorious and sovereign King Jesus, ushering in a new and better age…. ….a Kingdom Age, of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit!
Our Granddaughter Saachi elected to model (with her WEE ONES WEAR skirt) on Saturday night our future hope!