Last Saturday Hilary and I participated in the 30th, ‘Running with the Father’s Heart for Ireland’ marathon along the Great Western Greenway in beautiful County Mayo.
After running my 6 mile leg, I wandered off the beaten track to grab a coffee at Nevin’s pub, ‘The Heart of Hospitality’.
Fortuitously I caught the opening minutes of the Ireland vs Wales rugby match, but had to pull myself away from the team on the ‘green pitch’ to catch up again with the more obscure wee team on the ‘green Way’ – a motley crew of runners, walkers and cyclists of all shapes, sizes, ages and nationalities. They had been lead as an ‘Amen’ company to agree that now is the time for the ‘green’ of resurrection life to be experienced afresh in the Emerald Isle as people are awakened to the outrageous grace of the ‘Running Father’ in the story of the Prodigal son/s..”…..that the world would turn green with envy : – )
On Sunday morning the Irish papers announced the rugby team’s victory, so that they now head to the RUGBY WORLD CUP as the #1 team. The photo below is a play on words as the Irish captain is named Rory Best.
By Monday morning the Belfast stores were already capitalizing on the team’s success as the top photo illustrates. I smilingly noticed again the name on the ball that is used in all international rugby matches – GILBERT
I began writing Gilbert’s Journal when we arrived in the US as a series of meditations to go alongside the songs on the Bright Hostage Trilogy of CDs. Weaving together scripture and real life stories with the songs, that journaling now continues in the form of this weekly blog.
My middle name, Gilbert means “bright hostage’ and also happens to be the name of my father and my youngest son!
Although we know we are still held ‘hostage’ to death and decay, because of our sure and certain “hope” as believers we are growing ‘brighter’ by the day as That Day approaches when our full “adoption as sons” is manafested in this world.(Eph.1:5, Rm.8:18-24)
“Until then the most significant things on earth from heaven’s vantage point are usually hidden, like a baby in a manger.’ I thought as I wandered down a back road in Westport.
I looked up……. and as if to confirm the thought, where Croagh Patrick, the most famous, peak in ‘the land of saints and scholars’ should have been visible, there was merely a blanket of mist.
However our confident hope’ is that one day every eye will be opened and ‘’every knee will bow and every tongue confess that, ‘‘Jesus Christ is Lord!”….. to the glory of God the Father.’
……….And I was reminded of another Belfast billboard image I captured in the wake of another success by the Irish team when we were here last January.
Roaring the Best possible news of God’s gracious plan for his creation: