In my last blog I told the story of The Harpist and the Horn, the Horn being equated with the song “Lord Jesus We Enthrone You” which incorporates in it the cry of every believer’s heart, “Come Lord Jesus and take your place!”
On Monday evening on our way back from Ireland we were just about to board the connecting flight to Minneapolis in Chicago, when Hilary nodding toward the man opposite in the line said, “Is that not Larry?”
Our friend Larry simultaneously turned around equally surprised and delighted to see us. His first words were.
“We are just on our way home from Jerusalem! I was in fact going to send you a video of “Lord Jesus We Enthrone You” being played at the feast of Tabernacles there by 50 harpists!”
………Then I remembered that just the day before, a 50 Euro donation had been sent to us from Dublin, Ireland, along with a request for the Come Lord Jesus CD. The name of the sender, Jonathan Rowe, rang a bell, so sitting in Dublin airport I emailed to ask him how he had come across our music. His reply amazed us! A little background first……..
40 years ago when I wrote Lord Jesus We Enthrone You, I taught it at our fellowship in Belfast. Just a few weeks later Hilary and I went to Dublin for a weekend ‘get away’. That Saturday evening we were lead to a home fellowship meeting. Sitting on the floor of the living room crammed full of young people who like ourselves had just been ‘set on fire’ by the Holy Spirit, we flowed in worship from one song to the next….and then….. startled… I looked at Hilary and she at me….they were singing my song!…..”Lord Jesus We Enthrone You……we proclaim you are king.’
Afterwards we discovered that a girl from our group who had moved to London the week after I taught the song, had taught it to the London group, and then someone from the London group had the next week brought it to Dublin! (Subsequently we discovered that with the same rapidity the song had spread all over the world in a matter of weeks. Long before things ‘went viral’ via man’s internet….the song ‘went vital’ via God’s Spirit!)
Jonathan then immediately replied to my query explaining that he was indeed the son of the couple that lead that home fellowship! In fact he said his father was sitting right there beside him, (and just a few miles from us at the airport!)……. and sent us his regards! This after no contact for 40 years!
Jonathan also reminded me that the name of the fellowship was…… Shalom. (As in ‘Jeru(Shalom’)
So what are the chances…… that within 12 hours but 3,670 miles apart on two continents, I receive this double witness of….
The cry, “Come Lord Jesus!” arising from Jeru(Shalom) ?
The day we arrived home another very strange thing happened. I received a check from the ‘State of Minnesota Management and Budget’ telling me that several years ago I had overpaid and was due this refund ……for $50!

……..I just noticed the 120 days on the check which points to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the 120 in the Upper Room at Pentecost (50 days). However that feast described in Lev.23, fulfilled, and the downpayment given (Eph.1:14), we now look two chapters later in Leviticus to the 50 year law.
“Consecrate the FIFTIETH year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all it’s inhabitants……In this Year of Jubilee everyone is to return to his own property.” (Lev.25:10)
The significance of a third witness (three 50s) is to reveal….timing.
……..Thetime for the cry of the believer’s heart to be answered, and for the Prince of Peace to come to Jerusalem which means, ‘dwelling place of peace’ made up of the believers who, “like living stones are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” (1Pt.2, Eph.2)
………The time for us to return to our ‘own property’, our inheritance of immortality that was lost in the First Adam but restored in the Last.
In the last blog I told of the sign on Horn Head where we witnessed the bridegroom Justin (the Faithful and True Judge of Rev.19:11) moments away from his desire.
I asked Larry, “Are you traveling alone?’
He replied, “No I have two companions
.…… Justin
…..and Jason!” (Son of Ya…….Jesus)
“Even so! Come Lord Jesus!”