A friend sent me this recent prophecy by Lana Vawser from Australia.. It seemed to confirm what I have been writing in my current GODSELECTION series based on Psalm 2.
The above banner was gifted to us by a Native American chief. It also seemed appropriate for this time.
“As I sat this morning with the Lord this morning and seeing the incredible battle that’s taking place over the United States I heard Psalm 2:4 resounding loudly in my spirit:
“He who sits in the heavens laughs,
The Lord scoffs at them.” – (NASB)
I then heard the Lord say “JUSTICE IS MINE” says the Lord. There is going to be a divine demonstration of the justice of God that is going to be seen in the United States of America. The demonstration of the Lord’s power and His justice to “OVERTURN” is upon the United States of America.
“With My mighty hand, I shall overturn the plans of the wicked”
I then heard the words thundering…
“My people, you are about to see a major demonstration of the POWER OF MY PROPHETIC VOICE in the earth”
I was surrounded by such a strong sense of the voice of God being manifested in the earth like never before and it came in explosive ways. I began to see a united Church that had arisen like never before and they REFUSED to move from the Word of God and what the Lord has spoken and I heard the collection of voices thundering into the United States. The Word of the Lord was shaking the nation and it was thundering upon the land like a hammer.
I then heard the Lord say “These are the days of My Majesty. These are the days where I am revealed as the King of Glory. I am stepping in to reveal My Majesty and that I am the One who laughs at the plans of the enemy. When the nations conspire against Me (Psalm 2:1-5) and My ways, I am about to demonstrate My JUSTICE and there will be a major RIPPLE EFFECT of My JUSTICE in the United States of America. I am BRANDING the United States of America with My JUSTICE. Let the DAYS OF JUSTICE roll on in. Let the days of My DIVINE JUSTICE being manifested ROLL on in THICK and FAST. I am coming! For the words of mere man, the pride and wickedness of man to come against My plan, is going to come tumbling down. The winds of My justice are blowing. I will not only bring justice now in this moment, but I am moving to overturn ERAS OF INJUSTICE!”
As I continued to seek the Lord I heard the Lord say “MY VOICE WINS”.
The sense surrounded me so strongly of other narratives being spoken that are not in line with the narrative of God and what the Lord has spoken, and the invitation upon the Church now to be FEROCIOUS in FAITH and FOCUS upon what the Lord has spoken and the decree of God in the United States.
Again, the words thundered around me “MY VOICE WINS” – “MY VOICE WILL CAUSE THE NATION TO TREMBLE”
Isaiah 55:11 surrounded me:
“So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”
“I AM RESTORING THE ROAR TO MY PEOPLE” – within My people I am raising up a ROAR within them of faith and conviction in what I speak and the demonstration of My power that will be seen as My people PARTNER with My VOICE and decree some of the greatest injustices, hidden agendas and evil will be overturned. The overturning will come with great shaking, but My SUDDEN demonstrations of JUSTICE will be seen and seen SWIFTLY! Do not be afraid of the battle, do not be discouraged by the rumbling and the onslaught of the enemy, greater acceleration and increase of the TIDAL WAVE OF MY JUSTICE is being RELEASED into the United States. My people LIFT UP YOUR VOICE and continue to intercede and decree that which I have spoken, for the greatest days of MY JUSTICE PREVAILING and the revealing of My Majesty and that I am the One who sits in the heavens and laughs, have ONLY JUST BEGUN! “
Keep standing and decreeing what HE has spoken. The POWER of the PROPHETIC VOICE of God is about to be seen.”