When Father gave me the name for this series, “Cleansing the Heart of the Beast” I knew the word “Beast” would require some clarification. Last week this came in the form of a dream.
In the dream I found myself cast in a very ‘real’ horror movie. I was one of a terrified multitude trying to escape a ferocious Beast. Unlike the fiery figure on last weeks ‘Burning Man’ blog photo this Beast would suddenly appear out of water to destroy it’s next victim. (Not an altogether original story line : – )
At one point there was a flying machine that offered 4 seats. I wasn’t selected but I had my doubts, as the pilot fumbled his way through the instruction manual. A few minutes after the ‘star wars’ type vehicle lifted off, a distraught lady ran in with the news that it had just crashed!
At this point in the movie/dream a peace came over me and as I awoke Father interpreted it for me.
The beast He showed me was the sea beast, “Leviathan” revealed to Job in chapter 42. 23 years ago I had my own “Job training”.
Ha!! I have just noticed I typed 42.23 – this was our address at that time of my training in our first US home on aptly named WASH-BURN Avenue!
The last two blogs have focused on the cleansing action of Fire. (BURN) This week and next we turn to the cleansing of Water. (WASH)
I learned during that time of training at 4223 Washburn how this ‘Beast’ is in fact our ‘old’ nature from ADAM. I realized this was why I need not fear, because “in Christ” this old ‘SELF’ has already been destroyed ‘legally’ even though the time is yet to come for us to enter into the full experience of it.
We all continue to drown in images of flooding as the current series of hurricanes sweeps through. I saw one photo of ‘a looter’….and then on a parallel screen in my mind Father showed me our friend Lois, the helper, who caters for our FREEDOM! retreats. She has been in Houston as a volunteer helper there.
“Out of this water has come both the BEAST and the BEST!” Father said to me. Then he continued, “When the A for ADAM is taken out of the BeAst – what remains will be the Best” Mathematically;
Last week. I wrote about the error of NO SIN and SELF GOD. God’s plan destroys the old ‘SELF’ – ‘in ADAM’ that aspires to be GOD, and replaces him with a new ‘SELF‘ – ‘in CHRIST.’
Father then showed me another play on words expressing the same truth. I is at the center of SIN. When I is taken out there is zero (O) of the ‘old self’ left. Again mathematically;
This transformation for which we are destined comes not by imagining sin does not exist or by imagining ourselves to already be ‘gods” but it comes as we by faith choose for our new ‘in Christ’ identity until God’s chosen time to complete this work of bringing us to full maturity as the BEST – His SONs.
This is something we can take no credit for – it is by grace. As Paul writes at the start of 1 Corinthians, ‘It is because OF HIM that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God – that is our righteousness, holiness and redemption.”(1 Cor.2:22)
At the end of 1 Corinthians we read, “For as in ADAM all die so in CHRIST all will be made alive. But each in his own turn.” (1 Cor. 15:22) and so we know that at the very end of our story which is actually His-story, …ALL will, having passed through fire and water, be freed from the tyranny of their former Adamic nature to experience the resurrection life of Christ.
This is why we need have NO FEAR, and why our response to “the grace of God which brings salvation to ALL men” (Titus 2:11) can only be to FEAR GOD – bowing in submissive wonder, awe inspired reverence, profound respect.
How blessed are those who realize now their calling to be a corporate Lois, (Lane :- ) partnering as the loving bride of the Helper/Savior of the whole world
The true SUPERMAN(God) HE RO(se) ——– > – ) >