Riddle 1. How many Kings came seeking the baby Jesus?
Answer. We don’t know.
You may well have answered, “Three”. After all haven’t we just been singing, “We three kings of Orient are”, and didn’t they bring gold, frankincense and myrrh?
They did, but if you check the biblical record you will see there is no number given and the ‘Three” we all had assumed…. is merely ‘myth’
How much of what we have been lead to believe as ‘true’, comes into this category?
Last week’s documentary called into question the assumption that corporations like the BBC are run by wise, truthful and benevolent people who really want the best for us all. People’s trust in ‘this world’s’ leadership whether it be corporate broadcasters, businesses, banks, or governments is at an all time low….. and rightly so.
Psalm 2 describes the ‘fact’, not theory of ‘conspiracy’ amongst ‘this world’s’ rulers.
“Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the LORD and against his anointed.” (Ps.2:1,2)
Thankfully it also enlightens us as to another ‘fact’ about who is really in control, that more people are ‘Awakening‘ to, for God says,
” I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.”
Riddle 2. So, what does a Black rapper, a Jewish rabbi, and a Belfast bard have in common?
Answer. They all proclaim “Jesus is King.”
While in Ireland a few months ago, I blogged……
“I find it interesting that TODAY, 27th September………
The songwriter K(ay n the) West was due to release JESUS IS KING
The songwriter K(yle)in the EAST who proclaimed JESUS IS KING
……..has a birthday!
As I enter my 67th year I turn to Psalm 67…….
‘May God be gracious to us and make his face shine on us – so THAT YOUR WAYS MAY BE KNOWN on earth, your salvation among ALL NATIONS.”“
Kayne’s latest album, “Jesus is King”‘ and his spiritual ‘Awakening’ in the West, continues to create a stir. Here are the responses of two very different commentators you might want to dip into: (Kayne at 9 min 11sec on the first.)
By ‘‘K(yle)in the East‘ I was referring to my hometown of Gilnahirk on the east coast of Ireland. Gilnahirk means,”the hill of the horn blower.’ This is where I was given the song, “Lord Jesus We Enthrone You” proclaiming “Jesus is King”.
Since then, over the last 40 years we have been lead to all five continents, where we have gone to the top of a thousand hills, from Alice Springs, Australia to Table Mountain, South Africa, from Beijing, China to Nice, France, from the Pyramid of the Moon, Mexico to Montreal, Canada, from Faugher Head, Ireland to Seoul, South Korea, from Kona Kinabalu, Malaysia to the Rock of Gibraltar, from the Transylvanian Alps to Russell, Aotearoa. There alone, or with a handful of others, we have repeatedly proclaimed this unchanging truth, “Jesus…..you are King.”
Last week Pauline was inspired to send me this recent talk given by Rabbi Jonathan Kahn who also believes “Jesus is Messiah (King)”
I was intrigued that he began by telling of how he too had been lead to the top of other ‘mountains’ in the world, for example in Cuba and Nigeria, to blow the shofar (horn), there also to proclaim, “Jesus is King”.
So maybe, I chuckled, there is something to these ‘three’ kings?
…...Kanye, Kahn and Kyle
………all proclaiming “Jesus is King” : – )
I smiled when I pulled up my Spotify 2019 wrap.
Compared to Kanye’s millions, these figures are minuscule (generating less than one hundred dollars royalties a year : – ), however it is the number’s significance rather than size that struck me. In particular the fact that I was listened to in 70 countries. This is the number that represents the “ALL NATIONS” of Psalm 67, (Gen.10). The number 70 also represents RESTORATION.
I came across a new book while last in Ireland, called “The Spies At Gilnahirk”. Drawing on material that up until a few years ago was kept secret, the author George (who was a friend in my patrol in the 30th Gilnahirk Boy Scout company!) described how there had been an ‘undercover operation’ on “the hill of the horn blower” intercepting German messages during WW2 . It was estimated that the hidden work of this group and others like them shortened the war by 2 years and saved several million lives!!!
In the same way there are many unsung heroes who, conscious that we have all been “Born Into A Battle”, have sought to play their ‘undercover’ part. (That song incidentally got the most Spotify streams last year!)
These ‘Spies’ will, like Joshua and Caleb, receive their ‘crowns of reward.’ and will in turn, as another song says, “cast them down at the feet of our Lord”,
…….even as their ‘life and lip sync’ has proclaimed.
“Jesus is King!”