I ended the last blog by referencing ‘Rising Sons’ 144,000 Youtube views!
In a world of ‘views’ and ‘votes’, ‘friends’ and ‘likes’ we could be hoodwinked into believing the lie,’More is always better.’
For example yesterday I talked with an expert on CBD oil which is all the rage. He said the commonest error in using this is to think that if a little is good, more will be better! He said this is not true and it was the ORIGIN and the PROCESS that was of paramount importance!
This love of ‘BIG’ is as prevalent inside ‘the church’ as outside. However at the end of Jesus story, at the foot of the cross, we find he was left with only – 1 ‘friend’ – John.
Barna reported that Rick Warren’s “The Purpose Driven Life” was the most popular and influential book among Christian leaders today.
But how much of our tendency to exalt the ‘BIG’ – names, numbers, and noises, and desire to be counted among them, might actually be ‘Driven’ by our personal insecurity?
I believe God is more concerned about quality than quantity, about depth than breadth.
I have a friend whose passion is to be like John, the ‘beloved disciple’ who had ‘leaned on Jesus breast‘ at the last supper and remained faithful at the foot of the cross. This friend used the phrase, “process lead life”- making his goal to experience God the ORIGIN of life, seamlessly in the PROCESS of everyday living.
He has as acute hearing of God at all times and in all places as I have encountered. He has not written a best selling book, movie or music album but I would rather spend 5 minutes in conversation with him as read, watch or listen to any “best seller” by one of the “BIG names” because not only has he been with Jesus…..but I find he….. and we, even as we talk…… still are!!!
In this current culture when Jesus words in Jn.14:12 ‘greater works’ is quoted, many think of “A BIGGER THING!” …a demonstrable product!
In the preceding verses that set up this phrase, Jesus explains the origin of his words and works in his Father with whom he is in complete union. So when he says whoever believes in him will do the same works, I believe he is talking about the ORIGIN of those works rather than their outward expression, and when he then uses the plural, ‘they will do greater works’ it could simply mean that a company of people involved in the PROCESS of living as Johns in this way of Divine comm-unity will cumulatively produce a fuller and more beautiful expression of this same Father/Son relationship than he as a single person could have during his limited time on earth.
Jesus also said that the paradox of His kingdom was that ‘the greatest….. would be the least.’ It is in the ‘still small voice’ he is heard. I have personally found that the voice of our Dad who loves the details often gets lost in largeness and loudness.
So I am suggesting that:
Significantly the brother I so enjoy talking to, has suffered.
It is in the storms of life that he has passed through, that he has learned that intimate walk and sensitivity to hearing the ‘still small voice’ that also speaks to the winds and the waves in our hearts,“Peace be still” as we lie down with Jesus in the hold of the boat.
……...Surrender and trust…… then hear and obey.
This seems to be the simple secret to finding that place with John
………….leaning on the breast of Jesus
…………at the table of feasting or in the ship of storms.