On Wednesday the headlines in the British press featured the discovery of the dead bodies of 39 Chinese nationals in the refrigeration trailer pictured above, that arrived in England from Belgium.
Interestingly… “The number thirty-nine in Hebrew was written with the letters lamed (authority) and teth (serpent). Thirty-nine is the number of infirmity. When Adam and Eve sinned by falling for the temptation of the serpent, they inadvertently gave up their God-given authority to the serpent, who subjected them to disease, infirmity, and ultimately to death itself.”*
The sealed WOMB from which these poor ones were hoping to be launched into a ‘new life’, in a shocking way became – their TOMB!
Statements of horror and outrage came from all quarters including the British prime minister…..“How could these poor people have been so betrayed?”
Ironically the day before a bill legalizing the aborting of unborn children was destined to be passed into law in Northern Ireland by the British government.
Of the children who will die as a result of this legislative change it could be said:
The sealed WOMB from which these poor ones are hoping to be launched into a ‘new life’, will in a shocking way become – their TOMB!
Why do people not see the madness of such a double standard, where one and the same reality is literally one day declared a triumph and the next a tragedy?
Why is this dichotomy hidden from most……..yet in plain sight to others?
I believe there is in Ireland A Greater Famine than that which followed the potato blight in the mid 1800s ……..a famine that extends throughout the whole of the western world.
It is described in Amos 8:11, “The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land — not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.”
I’ve often said,“The heart of the Irish (human) problem is the problem of the Irish (human) heart.”
When we have ‘heart idols‘ i.e. gods other than God himself, we are told God will answer us ‘according to the idols of our hearts’ (Ez.14:4). In other words, he’ll give us what we want……or what we think we want.
Hosea 1:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge…..and since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”
The loss of these children through abortion therefore is in fact the consequence of our rebellious hearts where we reject God’s way because we want our own way. As it says in the book of Judges, ‘Every man did what what right in his own eyes.’
Jeremiah 17:9 says “The heart is deceitful above all things, and beyond cure.”
……….So is there any hope for us?
Next: A Greater Miracle.
*From The Biblical Meaning of Numbers by Dr. Stephen Jones