“What a rich time!” said Brian.
“Absolutely. And getting richer all the time!.” responded Bill.
We five brothers had just finished another 3 hour conversation. It began with us all dropping down into a place of stillness and peace encountering the ‘living’ God. From there we flowed effortlessly, sharing together our personal experience, present and past. There was deep listening, perceptive questioning, redemptive revelation, wise counsel, straightforward adjustment and poignant prayer as we touched on the depths of human pain and suffering, punctuated with unbridled joy as we heartily laughed and also cried (in a manly way of course : – ) our way through another ‘enriching’ experience of genuine friendship and brotherhood.
This is not just a talking together but a practical walking together in life as we are present for one another through crisis court cases, repeated house moves, regular family care, etc. etc……the ‘koinonia’ sharing in a common life that we are all made for and redeemed to experience.
“Heart to heart” farewells said, I turned to check my email and ended up watching an interview with someone who has just written a book after scouring the world looking for answers to the epidemic of loneliness, depression and anxiety sweeping our society.
His personal and profound conclusion?….“It is not because of low serotonin levels in my brain that a drug can fix……it’s primarily because of the breakdown of the ‘tribe’ that we now are living in the loneliest society ever!”
He quoted an ‘expert’ who talked about how just as “junk food” causes the problem biochemically so do “junk values” sociologically. We are continually bombarded and manipulated by those offering us happiness through that ‘sugar fix’ or through those twin imposters, ‘fame and fortune.’
This gets intensified by modern technology offering the illusion of connection through Virtual Activity that leaves us Actually Dead. As one expert said, “If our devices are a station along the track, they can be useful. If they are the terminal we arrive at, we are in deep trouble! A screen will never satisfy your deepest needs.”
Jesus pointing to himself indicated “The Way” that leads to “The Truth” that leads to “The Life.” He said, this “life” is in the deep ‘knowing’ of intimate, honest, committed relationship. (Jn.17:1)
Wondering about a photo to illustrate this blog I snapped the REAL connection between Hilary and grandson Luke this morning. Luke whose name means ‘light’ is a beam of light in our lives. That beam was split into a rainbow as it passed through the glass of our front door this morning, as you can see, visibly connecting Hilary and Luke, reminding us of God’s message in the sky that his plan is that the whole of creation be authentically re-connected as they come back into covenant relationship with him. This is the true ‘desire of all nations’ and of every individual, that alone heals the lonely human heart.
Just this morning we read in Psalm 68, “God places the solitary in family, ……….but the rebellious dwell in a parched land”. or as the TPT puts it.”...for the rebels there is heartache and despair.”
“Humility“, I say to Hilary. “….the honest seeking and surrendering to The Truth is the common life giving bond this eclectic group of truly ‘free men’ share.”
It is the humility that says;
“I am not an island.”…… “I need help.”….”Place me Lord, wherever, and with whomever, you choose.”
Just a few decades ago a survey revealed that most people could count on 5 friends who really knew them. Today tragically the commonest answer (from half the population!) is, “I have no one who really knows me!”
That is why I am so deeply grateful that I still have 5 (these 4 brothers and one wife!)…….and counting!……who are getting to know me as I am getting to know them – through and through.
I consider myself “Fabulously Wealthy”