Last week a close friend who is very smart, recommended I should start tweeting on Twitter. (No, it wasn’t the lady pictured above, although she is very smart too! That part of the story comes later in the blog!)
He sent me an excellent podcast series explaining how the traditional means of ‘leveraging’ oneself using large amounts of money and people, had shifted. The successful entrepreneur suggested that now without either of these things I could use the internet to leverage my unique set of gifts in order to create ‘wealth’ for everyone. (in contradistinction to just making me rich!). My friend also recommended I use Youtube and Spotify but warned me off of Facebook : – )
It occurred to me this morning that Twitter was well suited to me. I realized I am more of a ‘concrete’ than conceptual thinker which is why I do best with the K.I.S.S. technique…Keep It Simple Stupid, and so in the back of my journal I have pages of pithy one liners that Dad has whispered to me over the years that rise up from my spirit and help me serve more effectively in this ‘concrete’ world.
Here are three of my own quotes I repeat to myself, each with a slightly different emphasis:
“Don’t Drift; Decide!”
A test I did recently revealed I had a tendency to A.D.D. Ah! Yes! I thought…that is helpful to know! I actually think in the fast paced, sensory overloading world we live in today we are all prone to getting distracted and being blown to and fro by external stimuli sparking a reaction from our souls rather than being peacefully lead as we respond in this same world to the still small voice constantly whispering in our spirits, and then using our Father’s continual commentary of ‘truth in love’ as a basis for life decisions we then make and stick to.
“Stop and Drop!”
Proverbs warns us not to ‘rush into sin’. The ever increasing pace of life in today’s world makes us prone to racing ahead of grace and then crashing, which is why I frequently say to myself, “Stop and Drop!”…. and then drop down into that place of the Spirit in my ‘belly’….. out of which flows the ‘streams of living water.’
“Stop and Sink!”
Again this reminds me to ‘Be very careful then how you live, not as unwise but as wise making the MOST of EVERY opportunity, (rather than something of some opportunities) for THE DAYS ARE EVIL.” (Eph. 5:16) As we are careful not to be swept along by the wave of evil in our day we need to learn to think from our ‘belly’ (spirit) i.e.“Stop and S(pirit)thINK” rather than operating from our carnal (soulish) minds.
Stephen Jones illustrates this distinction between soulish and spiritual thought well in his web log today at God’s Kingdom Ministries…. which ‘just happens’ to be on the same theme I have been given to write about on the same day!
“If the Jews had understood divine logic (logos), they would have seen the wisdom of God in the story of Moses, who sweetened the bitter waters by casting a tree into the pool (Exodus 15:25). If they understood divine logic, they would have seen the same wisdom portrayed in the prophets, for Elijah cast a stick into the Jordan River to recover the lost axe head (2 Kings 6:6).
In both cases, the wood represented the logic of the cross, which made no sense to the carnal mind but made perfect sense to the spiritual mind/self which knows the deep things of God.”
I am still pondering how I should respond to my friend’s suggestion. I don’t want to be naively passive about how this world’s connectivity works, on the other hand I am increasingly in awe of how divine connectivity happens for those awakened to it. An example of this is the following email I received from one of my readers last week. I met Melissa briefly many years ago which is why she had to send me the photo above to remind me who she was! This illustrates how we are, despite minimum natural contact, divinely connected as members of one body, Christ Jesus being our Head.
“Dear Paul,