On April 3rd I posted “Minnesota (not so) Nice” with a photo of the “Vision of Peace” statue at the Ramsey County Criminal Court where we attended the trial of our friend Bill.
When David and I prayed that day at the foot of the statue we both received the word “MERCY”
The subsequent verdict of “Guilty” on March 20th did not seem to reflect what we had just heard. However timing is everything, and the date of Bill’s sentencing was last week, on MAY 8th
On that day, MAY 8th, the City of Saint Paul experienced an almost record breaking 1.45 inches of relentless rain.
A few years ago our son Ben was inspired to write a song with the lines,
Oh Saint Paul, city of peace and righteousness
City where the Lord and the angels talk
…..Rain down, purple rain I wanna hear the sound
I wanna feel the royal rain on me
I wanna feel the holy water running like a holy stream
I wanna be baptized in the city in the Mississippi
That day, MAY 8th, the same judge who had issued the “Guilty” verdict shocked us all by imposing the mildest sentence possible. Instead of 10 years in prison, Bill got no jail, was put on probation for three years and given ample time to complete the tax forms the government are demanding after which the felony charge will be downgraded to a misdemeanor. In Bill’s own words, “It couldn’t have gone any better”
The scripture came to mind, “The heart of the king/judge is in the hand of the Lord; He directs it LIKE A WATERCOURSE wherever he wills.”(Prov.21:1)
MISSISSIPPI is an Ojibwe word meaning Great River. The first European to see it was the Spaniard, Hernando de Soto, who renamed it in 1541, “Rio del Esparto Santo” which means “RIVER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT”.
I discovered today he named it on……… MAY 8th!……478 years go!
GOD’S JUDGEMENTS ARE HIS MERCY.……..and since ALL authority is from God (Rm.13:1) this includes ALL judgements and judges whether they are the ones we would have chosen or not.” The Lord has made everything for it’s purpose, even the wicked (judgements and judges) for the day of trouble.” (Prov.16:4)
In this sense the “Guilty” verdict on March 20th was just as much the mercy of God as the the sentencing on May 8th.
God uses these judgements “to change us in things” (such as the Robbinsdale City Council’s ruling against us, which was God’s way of telling us it is now time to move on from this City) and/or “to change things in us” i.e. removing the ‘idols’ from our hearts.
Another way to view this is that we are being moved from living from our souls, i.e. What I think. What I feel. What I want….. to living from our spirits which are one with His Spirit, i.e. What God thinks. What God feels. What God wants. There is just no room in the ‘kingdom of heaven’ for “soulish” sentiment, opinion or preference.
This journey is a journey of faith into a place of total trust, because we don’t yet see the bigger picture, nor the end of the story….. so we learn to wait…. in hope.
One day we will look back and thank him for it ALL.
Ben’s cry, “I wanna be baptized… in the Mississippi” is the deepest cry of every human heart, that we be totally saturated in The Great One from whom we have all come and to whom we will all go – the One who has scripted this whole story, before He created the world!
As we emigrated across the Atlantic 25 years ago I remember reading on that flight of how at that same time “The artist formerly known as Prince” best remembered for his song “Purple Rain” was returning to establish his base in the Twin Cities. I realized we were to be engaged in a battle between two heavenly Princes, as I too brought a song I had been given to sing, “Lord Jesus we enthrone you, we proclaim you are king…….Come Lord Jesus and take your place.” (This is not a judgement on the man, Prince Rogers Nelson. We are all just playing the parts we have been assigned.)
In Revelation 12:7 we read about how Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels. In verse 10 we read the outcome,
“10. Now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ, for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night.”
Verse 11 then describes those who have been graciously lifted from the “soulish” life to an overcoming life in the Spirit,
“11. And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony…… and they loved not their lives (souls) unto the death.”
I think we are increasingly having our eyes opened to perceive and experience the extent of THE MERCY OF GOD….. “beyond all we could ask or think” for the battle is done, and the total victory won, so…..
Let there be mercy for my brother and sister, my mother my family
Let there be mercy for my friends and lovers , my foes and enemies
Let there be mercy for my words and wars, deeds and deeds I didn’t do
Let there be mercy for every soul in this city; May the Lord have pity over you.