Last Sunday there were two major earth changing events taking place simultaneously.
In one realm many millions were transfixed in front of TV screens engaging in the Grammy awards. In a different realm a few minions were leaping out of rooms yelling “Surprise!” to engage in the Granny Awards as miraculously our family succeeded in springing a surprise 70th birthday party for Hilary!
The currency of God’s kingdom is HONOR. The currency of the kingdom of ‘this world’ is Dis – HONOR.
The growing contrast between these two kingdoms, their cultures and currencies, became very evident to me as I read the Grammy reports the next day with the repeated “dissing” culminating in Hillary Clinton being told by host James Corden her Grammy was ‘in the bag’ for her star performance of “dissing” the president:
Hillary Clinton, Cardi B & More Audition for “Fire & Fury” – 2018 GRAMMYs – YouTube
Scripture says we are to “Honor the king.” not because he is always right or good but because, “All authority comes from God.” (1 Peter 2:17, Rm. 13:1)
According to the Merriam Webster dictionary “to dis” means “to treat with disrespect or contempt” The first known use of the word in this way was as recent as 1980.
Hilary and I now have between us 135 years of life experience with in-depth involvement in hundreds of people’s lives. On reflection we have observed time after time that the word of God proves true when He says,
“He who honors me, I will honor” ( 1 Sam.2:30)
Those whom we have seen operating in this currency of honor, not just with showy words but genuinely from a pure heart, manifested in practical ways (1 Tim.5:17,18) have in turn invariably been honored by God. We reap what we sow. (Gal.6:7,8)
“Honor your father and mother that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God giveth thee…..This is the first commandment with a promise” (Ex.20:12, Eph.6:2)…… and God keeps his promises.
Gilbert back home again after a semester in Scotland in an Instagram post honored his mother who he has known intimately through years of homeschooling by speaking of her as a worthy “role model”. Sadly many without this advantage are left to imitate those who have been elevated to ‘Star‘ status by virtue of no real virtue but merely some innate gift, a lot of ‘luck’ and a shrewd promoter.
I’m posting below Abby’s tribute to her mum given at a gathering of friends in Ireland. It’s a tribute not just to Hilary but to ‘real’ honoring, to which we are bound to return in the kingdom age, once again giving “honor where honor is due“. (Rm.13:7)
“When I was at home in the summer my family was really into the enneagram. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a personality test… there’s 9 different personality types and based on an extensive test you come out as one of the 9.
Most of the holiday was spent comparing and contrasting who is what number and how they feel it mirrors them, and how they interact with people who are other numbers, etc!
My mum is a 1. I’ll get to what a 1 is in a minute but it took me the whole trip to finally actually do the test myself.
Mum kept saying “I’m prettyyyyy positive you’ll be a 1 as well”
And I thought “No way am I the same number as you!”
According to the enneagram website a 1 is conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. 1s are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, always trying to maintain high standards. At their best they are wise, discerning, realistic, and noble.
This is a pretty good description of my mum, don’t you think?
My mum is practical, organized and always realistic- thank goodness, since you all know my dad!
But I want to honor her tonight for her wisdom and discernment, always. Mum, you speak wisdom and help discern countless situations in my life – and I’m sure she’s done the same for many of you. I hope, someday, to be even half as wise as you are.
I want to honor you for the way you stand up for the weary and the ones who think they’re worthless. You speak life into and over them, and always what’s right and true.
I want to honor you for the way you fight against injustice and lies from the enemy, and instead show the weary a love from God that is just, and is true.
I hope to someday, be even half the advocate for others that you are.
I want to honor you for the way in which you are constantly championing the ones around you to be the best version of themselves, that your deepest desire is to see those around you know how much they are loved by God and for that to impact their lives, never settling for mediocrity or indifference.
I hope, someday to be half the challenger and truth speaker that you are.
When I finally did the test at the end of our trip… guess what…. I was a 1.
But now that I think about it, I couldn’t be more honored to be a 1, just like my mum, and I know if there’s an ounce of these Jesus characteristics in me, I’ve learned them all from her. Happy birthday mum.”
My only hesitation about Abby’s tribute was her self depreciation. She is everything her mother is – in Christ. May the flame burn even brighter in her hand than it has burned in the hand of her mother and her grandmothers – now it’s her turn…..and your turn!
“What we fail to honor – we lose”……….another great reason on this upcoming “Super Bowl Weekend” in Minneapolis to be circumspect about who and what we ‘throw a party’ for……for it is in taking practical steps to express value for those things and people that are truly valuable, that we will keep them alive and grow them in our hearts!