A few weeks ago I asked our ‘Praying Friends’ to pray for the upcoming FREEDOM! retreat here at Rivendell. I sent the emails in three batches and then noticed all three had gone out at the same time – 2.04.
I realized it was Father’s “gentle whisper” prompting me to blog another recent 204 story
A week earlier we had been invited by our Ojibwa Jesus friends to join them on Madeline island. This is the largest of the Apostle islands on Lake Superior. It is a sacred site for the tribe who over 500 years ago in response to a prophecy known as The Seven Fires prophecy began a series of seven migrations from the east coast. The prophecy stated that at the end of the migrations they would find a turtle shaped island where ‘food grows on the water’ – a description of the wild rice native only to this area.
Many believe that we are living in the days of the seventh fire. The essence of this is a second opportunity for the “light skinned people” and the Native Americans to come together in the right spirit. If this happens the prophecy says it will mark the beginning of an age of worldwide brotherhood and peace.
As seven of us representing both people groups gathered round the drum praying in Ojibwe songs, we sensed the heartbeat of the Father was finding expression in the beat of the drum and of the hearts that had been brought into unity in Christ.
An eagle flew overhead.
An old Ojibwe elder said. “That means we are in the place we are meant to be.”
We already sensed that when the day before we arrived at our rental apartment at La Pointe. As we stood at the front door our friend Clarke looked at me and said. “Did you plan this?” “Plan what?” I answered. “The address of this place?” “No” I said.
We went inside and began unpacking. I produced a book I had brought to read – a classic called “Sabbath” by Abraham Heschel. Again Clarke had that amused/amazed look on his face. Then he began to put it all together for me. He said,
“The Hebrew Gematria for Sabbath is 7676. 76 happens to be the number for cleansing, and 76 times 76 happens to be 5776 which is this year in the Jewish calendar – 2016 in our calendar – the year in which we are now living!”
Clarke has made a study of the Great Pyramid which is described in Is 19:19,20. The capstone was never placed on the great pyramid to fulfill the prophecy in Psalm 118:22, “The stone the builders rejected has become the head of the corner (or the capstone).” The gematria of these two verses in Isaiah is 5446. This is the height of the great pyramid as it currently stands – without the final stone in place.
If the capstone were to be put in place, the height would be 5776. i.e. this year- 2016
The capstone would be the 204th layer of the pyramid.
This explains Clarke’s incredulity when we arrived at the front door of the rental to discover the address was:
Apt 204
……. and that the combination # for the lock was C (for capstone) 2016
There has never been a time when it was more important to be in the place we are meant to be.…….our hearts cleansed of idols and beating in unity with our Creator and Redeemer….. in readiness for “the head of the corner” and His body to come together.
I pondered about a photo from the island trip, and thought of the “smiling face” above I snapped on an early morning island run.
The asking price for the “Ford” painted in blue on the windscreen – $3000 – caught my attention. Informed by the type in Joshua chapter 3 we see it is now 2000 years since Jesus (the ark of the covenant) has passed across to receive his inheritance (a glorified body). Like the children of Israel we are instructed to now follow 2000 cubits/years later. It is time for His body that has been prepared, to “Ford” the river, receive our inheritance (1 Peter 1:3-5) and enter into the third Millennium – a Kingdom Age marked by “the increase of His government and peace” (Is.9:7)... just as the scriptures (and old Ojibwa prophecy) foretell.
P.S. I noticed the license plate number. Maybe a reference to Ps.65:2?