To hear the song “Yeshua’ please click on this link
Those of you who follow Johnny Enlow Unfiltered will know that in his last episode, ‘Staying afloat as Celebrity Christianity capsizes” he addresses the ‘shake down’ in the church’ in recent years as ‘big name’ ministers have been exposed for exploiting members of their congregation, often sexually, often from a young age.
Johnny shockingly estimates through his extensive personal experience that upward of 80% 0f the ‘mega churches’ have serious sin taking place at the highest level. It is fairly well accepted that 1 in 5 pastors in churches in general have taken advantage sexually of their flock.
I mentioned this to a leader when in Ireland and he said, ‘Yes that’s America but that sort of thing wouldn’t be happening in Northern Ireland.”
Well yesterday I was speaking to a doctor in Northern Ireland who told me that the largest group seeking medical help for sexually transmitted disease is no longer drug addicts, but ministers!
There is a need everywhere for genuine repentance and deep healing as it has become clear that the Whore of Babylon has deeply infiltrated the mountain of Religion in the establishment institution of ‘the church’
Yet the time has come, as spoken of in Revelation 18, for ‘Babylon’ to fall, and for the true Bride of Christ to arise.
Father gave me yet another threefold witness on the theme we have been lead to focus on……..that He is preparing a bride ‘without spot or wrinkle’ fit for his son..
This summer Hilary and I will be doing a road trip to our daughter in New York State, and to my nephew’s wedding in Toronto. We thought it would be an opportunity to look up some old friends along the way, including one in Toronto.
The other day this dear friend let us know that she too was going to get married…….and at the same time we had planned to visit!
‘Just a small simple affair. We’d be honored if you.would join us.’ She said.
So we now have a double wedding date 10th and 11th August.
Father then pointed out to me that he had given us three very close friends, all called by her name…Carolyn. One is to be married, one is already married, and one is recently widowed.
All three are beautiful ladies who have and are in different ways still, ‘’walking through the fire.” Like the three Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego they too have devoted themselves to serving with integrity and courage their ‘true king’ and have consequently experienced his intimacy in the fiery furnace of their lives.
So I looked up the meaning of the name Carolyn, and found these various meanings……
Strong and powerful
The final definition offered, ‘God’s song’ reminded me of the above song about ‘the bridegroom’ ‘bathed in heaven, born of the earth’ – Yeshua.
It is amongst beautiful women (and men) like these, far from the fakery of a ‘show business’ church that a bride ‘without spot or wrinkle’ is being preparing as an Ezer Kenegdo for Yeshua Hamashiach…….Jesus the Anointed King.
Ezer and Kenegdo are the Hebrew words used in Gen.2:18.
They translated in KJV rather limply as a ‘help meet’ However a more full and robust translation would be,
‘A strength and power equal and corresponding to.’
Sounds to me like a Carolyn!
The 3G network has been the downfall of many Church leaders, corrupted by the Girls the Gold, and the Glory, as they have taken credit for their ‘achievements’
The Reprise of Yeshua on the Trek of the Bright Hostage album speaks to this, for it is amongst those who may lack beauty or wealth, in ‘worldly’ terms and who may not be considered winners’ by it’s standards, that this bride, treasured by heaven, is being formed, in harmony with her Bridegroom.
Please click below to listen..
P.S. Again as with Lydia’s message last blog, just this morning as I am about to post this, I opened a letter that had sat unnoticed in my study for 6 weeks !
I was moved to tears as this pure hearted young woman described how from childhood she had been surrounded by the songs God has given me and how they have played a part in her finding her vocation as a ‘single for the Lord’ sister joyfully serving her Lord in nearby St Paul. Her beautifully handwritten perfectly timed letter contained the following about the songs,
‘I am so grateful for this gift from you, which led me to fall in love with the Lord from a young age and I’m sure has lead me to my present vocation as His Bride.’