Please click below to hear the song
I mentioned there were three lines of Native American ‘chiefs’ Father has gifted us friendship with.
Lois and Jim Deragon were both descended from Ojibway chiefs. Both have now passed from this life.
It was Lois and Fern representing the two main tribes in the State of Minnesota, the Dakota and the Ojibway who together welcomed us to ‘the land’ in a ceremony on the land where they blessed our feet to go forth with the gospel of the kingdom.
They represented the two tribes that had historically fought over this land. These two holy women and mothers had ‘found’ each another, and as members of two warring tribes, had been reconciled through Christ becoming beloved sisters and friends.
Hebrews.11: 4 talks about those who are dead ‘speaking still’. The other day I ‘happened’ to come across an email sent to me by Lois back in 2008 when I returned to Belfast to be with my mother at the end of her life.
The email from Lois had read,
‘The Lord pointed out to me that the date of your mother’s passing was June 12th, i.e. 6/12. 612 is the phone code for this region. I believe you are still anointed to be in this place.”
Yesterday Father also pointed me to Is.61:2. The Passion translation is excellent.
‘I am sent to announce a new season of Yahweh’s grace and a time of God’s recompense on his enemies, to comfort all who are in sorrow.’
I have recalled these personal stories in this series because of this ‘season of grace’ that the ‘generation of those who seek the Lord’ both dead and alive, have been ‘longing’ for, as another of my songs describes.
The song ‘risin’ in us’ speaks of that ‘land of our dreaming where all will be well’
This is the same land that Abraham sought, whose story lead us to leave the country of our birth and to come to this new country in search of that ‘city with foundations whose builder and maker is God.’
The final verse goes,
But it’s Belfast they’re burning, now New York the same.
(This was written just after 911, however after the “George Floyd riots’ that were also seen worldwide, this could now be rendered ‘now Minneapolis the same.’)
And our joy it is sullied by our sin and our shame.
But the day it is coming, when refined by His flame.
Earth and heaven shall come forth
As one in His name.’”
May this be that ‘day’ when the prayer, ‘Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’ finds an even fuller answer as we pass through this present fire of his refining.
As I was completing this last blog on the series, It Ends (and Begins) with Us. I listened to the Johnny Enlow Unfiltered Episode 99. It was an amazing confirmation of what I have been writing (99 is gematria for Amen!)
Particularly from minute 55 Johnny talks about how both Daniel and Enoch talk about a final generation to whom things previously hidden would be revealed. I highly encourage you to listen to this most inspiring and hopeful message.
A final comment in the interview reminds me of the blessing we received from Lois and Fern speaks of our commissioning to action as, ‘boots on the ground’
Here is the link