Well folks I said I would offer more reflections on the odd way in which the last post (Part 4) happened……
I mentioned in Part 1 of this series about the “fatal Genesis flaw” with WordPress which caused me to have to switch to a new operating system working from their app. I said how I thought this was prophetically pointing to how we are moving from one age to the next in God’s unfolding plan which is going to cause some disruption, but for the better🙂
I also went on to talk about the paths of the three eclipses forming an Alef Tav, the Christ signature, occurring in Genesis 1:1 denoting at the outset God’s sovereignty over the whole story.
I noticed last Thursday’s post was said to have been posted on March 11 when in fact it was posted on March 21.. March 11 was the same date on which Part 2 was posted. So that is highlighting once again the 11 as in Genesis 1:1
However beyond that I recalled having listened to a recent interview between Juan O Savin and James Grundig in which they talk about the significance of the date March 11 and how the Satanists target that date. One of the examples they gave was how the W.H.O.. could have declared the Pandemic in January 2020 but they waited until March 11.
The reason given was that 3×11 =33. This is the highest order in freemasonry and the Satanists believe that by capturing these dates and numbers they are increasing their occult power and control.
The truth of course is that “God laughs” at these ‘kings of the earth.’ ( Ps. 2)
I believe this interruption by Father is so emphatic that I am meant to share another profound experience that we had and have only shared in a limited fashion up until now.
For many years I was an ordained priest, celebrating Eucharist with a small group in our Upper Room. When the group that had ordained me discovered that I believed it was God’s plan to save all of Adam’s seed through the work of ‘the last Adam, (1Cor.15:22), they expelled me as a heretic.
I was forbidden to continue to ‘serve at the altar’ This however presented a predicament, because I had consecrated wine and bread that week and set some aside for another service. So what was I to do with the consecrated elements?
The morning I was reading the letter I had just received cutting me off, I heard a chain saw in our back yard. I realized I had arranged to have a dying white oak in our backyard removed. The morning I had been ‘cut off’, was the same morning the tree removal company had chosen to ‘cut off’ the dying tree!
I had requested they leave about two feet of a stump, but when I went out to inspect it I realized it was higher than that. On measuring it I discovered it was exactly 33 inches.
This was remarkable because the communion table we had been using in the Upper Room for some years I knew to also be 33 inches tall.
I understood the number 33 to represent ‘A Sign’
So I asked the Lord, what I should do about the consecrated elements. He said, “ I want you to pour the wine out over the stump, for the Upper Room has a ceiling but the redemptive work of Christ has no ceiling and extends like the sky above without limit.”
Thus God made it clear to me that he was approving of my faith in his sovereignty over all things and over all people …..and over the dates assigned to the posting of these blogs🙂
The message inherent in this remarkable ‘God intervention’ to adjust the dating of my last post post is a SIGN to simply affirm that the THE WORK of Christ on the Cross that we commemorated at the 33 communion tables, trumps and subsumes ALL the 33 ‘works of the devil’
”Then Jesus made a public spectacle of all the powers and principalities of darkness, stripping away from them every weapon and all their spiritual authority and power to accuse us. And by the power of the cross, Jesus led them around as prisoners in a procession of triumph. He was not their prisoner; they were his!“
Colossians 2:15 TPT
This story of the communion tables was the inspiration for the song, “O the love, the love of Jesus’ which you can listen to here…..
P.S. When I read over the last blog after it had been posted I noticed one more spelling error. At the end I had written “sign sis.” Of course I meant it to read “sign is“ What are the chances that I discover this after writing this about The SIGN of the communion tables?
With God there are no ‘errors’ simply explanations.
P.P.S. You can hear the full Juan O Savin/ James Grundig interview here. The part about March 11th is at minute 20, for three minutes.
I would love to hear your comments on any of this🙂