Please click this link to play the song, In God We Trust.
Since arriving in the US God has time and again used the humble penny to speak to me.
I once heard that if Bill Gates spotted a $100 bill on the ground, it wouldn’t be worth his time to stoop down and pick it up!
When however I spot a solitary cent a bright new one in a fruit bowl or a dusty old one embedded on a path, I usually pause to pick it up and find inspiration as I read yet again the inscription
‘In God We Trust’
As with the children of Israel in the wilderness, America and Americans are now being tested, ‘ to see what is in their hearts.’ Is it faith or fear?
I have said before the heart of God’s purpose is found at the heart of the scriptures in the middle verse,
‘It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.’ (Ps. 118:8,9)
Certainly the last few years has given us great opportunity to grow in discernment as to which are and are not ‘trusted (while still fallible) voices’ amongst the ‘princes’
That is why this, another song from the Voyage album, has been proven prophetic as things ‘in the natural’ here have been spiraling downwards over these last years.
I remember being given two ‘Agabus ‘type’ prophecies before we moved.
One brother who had recently returned to Belfast after spending a year in North America warned me, ‘Ah!Paul! You wouldn’t take your children to America would you?’ …..pointing to the increasingly godless youth culture.
Charlie, another prophetic brother warned us of an ‘economic crash’ he saw coming in the US.
Like Agabus, they both had received a true warning from the Lord for us, but even as Paul proceeded on toward Jerusalem knowing what lay ahead so we knew to be forewarned was to simply be forarmed. Our becoming citizens last year galvanized our commitment to pray for this land of our adoption.
The net result is that, especially in the light of the coming eclipse sign, we be careful to be found not part of that ‘evil and wicked generation’ but firmly in the camp of, ‘the generation of those who seek the Lord.’
And yet at the same time we can be carefree as we ‘trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding.’(Prov.3:5)
Last night Father gave me a new chorus to our Di Do Diddley Dee song.
Di Do Diddley Dee, of cares I am completely free
Di Do Diddley Dee, I cast them on me Daddy