https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VMEImuB2bw Please click on the link to hear the song, Shake the Heavens.
On Monday at our HeavenQuake home group the conversation turned to the question of a ‘faked moon landing’ and a ‘flat earth’.
The conclusion we came to before moving on to something of more practical and present relevance was that in view of all the falsehoods we have been told in the last few years, everything should be questioned.
The first scripture I read this morning confirmed the theme I had been given for these last two blogs I will post before Hilary and I fly to Ireland next Monday for seven weeks. (No doubt the blogs will then move again from an American to Irish perspective🙂)
‘Lord, I will sing about your faithful love for me. My song of praise will have your justice as its theme.’ (Ps.101:1)
Last month we were sent on two trips.
The first trip was to visit our son Joel, who is child #5 (grace) and who is married to a lovely lady called Grace! They live at #4205. 5 is grace yet again, and 42 represents the coming of the Christ (Matt.1:17) and the final encampment after crossing over the Jordan into the promised land (Num.33) .
They live in Ojai California, which is the native Chumash word for, “Valley of the Moon’ We arrived on a night with a full moon. My scripture that day was…..you’ve guessed it Psalm 89:37 which speaks about the moon as ‘that faithful witness in the sky.’ A picture of the bride of Christ.

That night Grace’s mother came for dinner. Her name is Rebecca. We had just been teaching on how Abraham sending his servant Eliezer to find a bride for his son Issac was a type of God the Father sending the Holy Spirit to find a bride for his son Jesus. That bride was named Rebecca.
Rebecca told us that was the only opportunity she had to meet us because the next day she was going out to meet her betrothed whose name was Chris(t)) at Palm (‘victory’) Springs.
These signs all pointed to the ‘crossing over’ from age to age, from Pentecost to Tabernacles as indicated in the (extended) title of that book (and this blog series) on their shelf, “It Ends (and Begins) with Us.”
We realized afterwards Joel and I had two baptisms (swims) in the Pacific Ocean,. The word Pacific is about being a ‘peacemaker’ The peacemakers are blessed because…….they shall be called “sons of God.” The Red Sea baptism represented coming out of bondage., the Jordan baptism, entering into immortality.
In 2010 we were invited to The Lamb of God community in Christchurch, New Zealand. There we sang our song proclaiming Jesus King and inviteing him to come and take his place in ChristChurch. A few days later an earthquake occurred. A subsequent and more deadly quake occurred on 2/22 the next year.
We were then invited to share at the Auckland branch of the community on our way to Australia.
At that time there was a full ‘blood red harvest moon’ and so I captured a photo of this for the background to the song I was given to share, with the community, Shake the Heavens. Here is the slide I used for the last verse of the song…….

Penned 25 years ago this song comes to the fore again, connecting ‘’the generation of those who seek the Lord.’ ‘’the ‘remnant of grace.’ ‘the bride of Christ’’ who are even now being shaken and purified to be brought into unity and intimacy with their coming King, as he is reflected in a full clear moon , the church that is the ‘witness in the sky” to the sun/Son.
A few months ago the ‘Valley of the Moon’ had an earthquake. I called Joel to check if they were OK. He sent me this video clip.
‘His final comments struck me as prophetic of what is happening to Christ’s true Church. ‘Grace just noticed this. The house is good .Oh Yeah! But it shook.’
This testing of the church is happening even in the midst of the ‘night of sin’ as wickedness and injustice are being exposed. Concurrently it states, “the day of justice shall begin.” confirming God’s word to me this morning🙂
One of the facts that came out with our ‘heavenly’ discussion at HQ on Monday was that the North Star never moves!
Our unchanging God and his unshakable kingdom is our North Star in these days when everything else seems to be in flux!
I share these ‘signs in the heavens’ that have come to us personally in addition to the upcoming eclipse sign that is being widely talked about.
I highly recommend this latest Johnny Enlow Unfiltered as he describes how the heavens are declaring the glory of God, (not the works of the devil)
The purpose of these signs sis that we, should then, ‘Stand up and lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near.’ (Lk.21:28)