Are we that generation?
I am referring to two generations; the ‘evil and adulterous generation’ identified in Matt. 12;39 and ‘the generation of ‘those who seek the Lord’ identified in Psalm.24.
Both these spiritual ‘generations’ have existed within all the physical generations of mankind . However as God’s story unfolds there will be one generation in actual time, that will participate in the transition from one age to another.
I believe ‘as on the day of Pentecost, This is that’ generation.
I took the photo above ‘randomly’ while last in Ireland. I noticed it again as I was ‘cleaning up’ my photo library just before we left for California.
Then on the flight I happened to notice what the lady in front of me was reading that same middle of the pile book, “It Ends With Us’
When we arrived with Joel and Grace I glanced up from the dinner table- and there it was again..….for the third time!
Is our Father referencing the age we have been in.?
A third witness indicates timing.
For the last few weeks I have been silent, not because God has not been speaking to me, quite the opposite. I could write reams!
The reason for no blog is because when I tried to log in to WordPress I was told there had been a “fatal flaw in the Genesis theme.”
I then read Stephen Jones blog about “The sign for an evil generation” identified as ‘The sign of Jonah’ of Matthew 12.
Again while evil has existed throughout the generations it is being exposed today as never before. On a recent interview Juan O Savin revealed the horrific fact that over the last 4 years half a million children crossing the southern boarder have gone missing, that is they have been trafficked for sex !
The course of the upcoming eclipse in April is through 8 towns in America all named Nineveh after the city to which Jonah was sent with a message from God – to repent. So this ‘sign of Jonah ‘ is being written through the eclipse over America!
However, taken with the course of the eclipse in 2020 which passed through several cities called Salem (peace) these lines form a Tav, the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet, and the mark of the cross ,that was the mark placed on the foreheads of those in Ezekiel 9: 4,5, who had ‘grieved and lamented over the detestable things that had been done.’
If you then add the course of the third eclipse in 2023 the third line forms the Alef, the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet.
It is in Genesis 1:1 that ‘alef tav’ occurs, untranslated in our bibles but representing Christ who is the beginning and end of God’s story where a ‘fatal flaw’ was built into the plan in Genesis which would then be gloriously resolved by the Christ who would be crucified in his first coming. But like the prophetic shadow Jonah, Jesus would be raised up after three days out of the ‘belly of the whale/earth’ and would then subsequently complete his mission, which was the salvation of the entire ‘evil’ city of Nineveh.
Thus the ‘Genesis flaw’ – would be resolved.
I asked Gilbert to help me resolve my ‘Genesis flaw’ issue with WordPress. He did this by downloading the WordPress app. So writing this blog has been a new experience for me as I move from one operating system to a new …..and better one.
God’s Word will not fail as he goes to press publishing for all to see the updated version of his glorious gospel in this upcoming new and better age.
I take all this quite personally because over 50 years ago we had a ‘gospel group‘ called,’’The Sign of Jonah..’ One of my first songs had the punch line,
‘No sign will be given but the sign of Jonah.’
This year 2024 is 70 jubilees from when Joshua lead the people across the Jordan into the Promised Land. I calculated the year of our gospel group “The Sign of Jonah.” was 1970..
70 represents Restoration being the number of years Adam fell short of the glorious 1000.
This certainly is shaping up to be a ‘glorious’ year like no other!