Hilary and I were saddened this week when we got word of yet another dear one getting a cancer diagnosis. With the uptick of ‘turbo cancers’ one can’t but ask the question, “Was this ‘jab’ related?”
The evidence is now overwhelming from the multiple ‘truth seekers’ I have referenced over the years that the ‘so called vaccine’ has to date left at a conservative estimate around 14 million dead and over 500 000 disabled.
This is now obvious .to most it seems except to those who Dr. Aseem Malhoutra describes as being, ‘willfully blind’ or those who Dr. John, our awakened ‘Mr. Magoo’, intimates may have been ‘bought off’..
Candace Owen’s entitled her documentary about George Floyd, “The Greatest Lie Ever Sold’
I wonder however if it is not the Covid’ Scamdemic that qualifies as the Greatest heist in human history., with new reveals daily, for example this morning in Epoch times…….
Yesterday’s ‘conspiracy theories’, are rapidly becoming today’s conspiracy facts uncovering behind the Wizard of Oz curtain, the ‘narrative creators’, the sociopath and psychopathic puppeteers who until now, have been at the top pulling the strings……children of “the father of lies’
Even those with a cursory knowledge of the Bible should not be surprised at these things. It is ‘the father of lies’ who is the ‘prince of this world’ Deception is the name of this ‘world’s’ game dictated by the ruthless and godless,’kings of the earth’ driven by pride and greed.
This was captured in my song All Will Be Well,
“The famed and the fortunes dictate the song,
And our fallen desires just play us along.”
So how then could I go on to sing….
“All will be well.”?
Because we know that all these lies great and small, are swallowed up by The Greatest Truth Ever Told.
“For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He[even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life. (In.3:16 Amp.)
This is why when we walk through ‘the valley of the shadow of death’ we need have NO FEAR, knowing God is with us.
Find this peace as you listen to this rendering of Psalm 23 in the song, The King of Love above.
Thankfully even as these destructive elements are being uncovered ‘God given’ suppressed antidotes are beginning to bob to the surface too, bringing hope for our dear ones, not just for healing beyond the grave, but for here and now.
……for the times they are a changing’