The title for this blog title came to me last week. As I reviewed what I had written here over the last years, I asked myself the question, “Have subsequent events proved my writings to be true or false?”
As I have attempted to stick to what I believe God has shown me to say and avoid voicing personal ‘opinions’. I can honestly say that only one error came to mind (Please do write, to point out the ‘hidden faults” that I have missed.🙂)
I did seem to get it wrong in the blog where I painted Bill Barr in a positive light and was negative toward Steve Bannon. As the plot has unfolded it would seem I got that the wrong way round…………I think!
I Think……….For God only knows where their ‘roles’ will take them……and who are the ‘white hats’, the ‘black hats’, the black hats turned white, the ‘white hats’ pretending to be black, and so on and on and on!
And yet, “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.“ (Amos 3:7)
The other night at our HQ gathering on the first day of 2024 I ‘ just happened’ upon my boarding pass from our trip to Ireland. I was explaining it was a Delta flight (Daleth is a door in Hebrew) seat 24 when Bill entered announcing, ‘Your garage door was wide open.” Father seemed to be making a point about this being the year of doors and gates
Ps.24 speaks of the opening of the ancient doors and gates…….’that the King of glory may come in.’
Is. 45 speaks of ‘God’s anointed’ breaking down the gates of bronze. We have been using Andrew Whalen’s Dreams to Change a Nation book as recommended by Johnny Enlow in his Unfiltered episode 88. Although neither prophets originally favored Trump, God spoke to both of them through Is. 45 that he was a ‘chosen vessel’ to deal with ‘the swamp’ of evil.
I also get a ‘heads up’ about this when I was inspired to write back in 2000 in The Flame song,
“When this age shall end and the time has come for the TRUMP to sound…..”
As Johnny Enlow has said, “The whole world will be known as ‘before Trump and after Trump’”
Then yesterday I came across Dr John Campbell’s first video of 2024 The title began Bill Gates……as in the ‘gates of hell’ that will not prevail against God’s church? (Matt.16:18)
Certain things are becoming more and more OBVIOUS to more and more people.
You may remember in the midst of the Scamdemic my referring to Dr John as being like Mr Magoo. I didn’t question his good intentions but as the stakes were so high I was forthright about his ‘not seeing’ what was clear to many other credible doctors who I was referencing in the blogs and that by supporting the ‘official narrative’ people were being tragically mislead about jabs, masking, lockdowns etc.
Dr John has been willing to take his own advice, “Look at the evidence and decide for yourself.” At the 4.30 mark he admits, “I believe now I was taken in.” Then literally at the heart (minute 6) of this (12 minute) video, he nails the heart of the issue when he makes the appeal, “Let’s get some humility back in medicine……..Let’s get rid of this arrogance!” I believe he is able to say so with authority because he has now been seen to have walked that walk by humbly acknowledging he got it wrong.
That is the reason I headlined this blog with the song based on Phil.2 about having the humble mind of Christ.
Dr. John could now be said to be ‘‘prophecying’ according to the definition we received from the first ‘Prophet’’ God sent into our lives over 50 years ago. David Matthew’s’ used to say,
“Prophecy is simply stating the OBVIOUS’
Some are just given to ‘see’ the obvious sooner than others.
I suppose then it is just a matter of time……….until at the end of this age……. all will indeed, prophecy……
”…….and every tongue confess, that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD..”