Let me linger a little longer on the THIRD REVELATION Job had, and zoom in on the vision I believe he was given.
History tells us, that when the Romans crucified a man, the passers by were encouraged to lift rocks, and throw them at the face of the crucified one!
In Isaiah we are told “he had nothing in his appearance that we should desire him”. Is this a reference to his disfigured face upon the cross where he became ‘one from whom men hid their faces.”?
Was this the face that Job peered into in his vision, asking the question,
“Who is that?”
Only to hear,
“My Son. Your Savior.”
It was then as he continued to stare, he saw in that face, as if in a mirror……his own face!!!….and the great mystery of ‘in Christ’ dawned on him.
When I went through my recent ordeal and posted the photo of my ghostly face, (Into The Deep. November 19th)…. my children, and a number of you said,
“I didn’t know who it was!”
In fact looking into the mirror then……. I didn’t recognize myself!
It put me in mind of a little rhyme,
“My name is space
I have no face
I am a disgrace
To the human race.”
This was the rhyme that someone who came to our FREEDOM! retreat said his uncle used to laughingly recite over him.
It transpired that those words repeated in jest turned out to have a devastating effect on the young boy, that became evident from the wonderful freedom he experienced when that curse was broken and the grace of God displaced the disgrace and assured him of a name and a face.
The fact is we do have a face. We do have an identity. We are ‘in Christ’
As Job starred into that smashed up face of the ‘suffering savior’ he saw his face and discovered his true identity….“I am a son of God!”
The second aspect of the marvelous mystery of God’s salvation is that not only am I in Christ, but Christ is in me!
When I wake each morning the first thing I do is to say, “Good morning’ Dad‘ as I look by faith into ‘His smiling face’ revealed in his son Jesus.
The second aspect of the marvelous mystery of God’s salvation is that not only am I in Christ, but “Christ is in me”!
Once a saintly old lady cornered me and prophesied.” When you look into the mirror each morning, you need to say, “Good Mornin’ Jesus.’
So that has become the second thing I do : – )
During my ‘faceless’ time I would stare at the strange countenance looking back at me from the mirror, and with a grin, again by faith, utter those words,
I love Robin’s song “A Billion Little Ways”, which begins “I’ve been in the belly of the beast” ….could that be Leviathan like Job, or ‘the big fish‘ like Jonah?
But then the chorus goes on to say that everything in our lives including ‘the belly of the beast’ experience is designed by our loving heavenly Father,
“…..to bring you back to the gaze
Of the love that you’ve come from,
The love you’re goin’ back to.
……………and it’s in you
..……….it’s in you.
..…..It’s in you.
...it’s in you.
The love you came from.
The love we’re goin back to.
Sing it to your mirror!
Sing it to everyone!
P.S. Those of you who know me, know I try not to ‘push myself’, however I was so inspired listening to Robin’s song again, I want to push you to push it…. simply because I can’t think of a better Christmas present you could give anyone, than the message of truth and hope that this song carries!……so please forward it to everyone! It needs to ‘go viral’ : – )
Robin’s new album “The Rubicon is a Red River’ is available on streaming sites and at robinkyle.com
Paul (and Hilary)