I couldn’t decide between “…blind but now I see.” and “……honor where honor is due.” as a title for this brief blog and so just called it P.S. because in the last blog I talked about “Willful Blindness” quoting Dr Aseem Malhotra.
This evening I heard the same quotation in of all places……..in The British House of Commons!
I have referenced Dr John Campbell, a popular Covid analyst, a few times over the last few years. My first blog likened him to Mr Magoo of ancient cartoon fame who got into all sorts of predicaments because of his shortsightedness. I have never questioned Dr John’s sincerity or integrity but was simply pointing out that there was a wide range of concerning information particularly about the ‘jabs’ that he seemed blind to.
The video posted above shows how Dr John has begun looking more closely at what has been going on. After bringing the parliamentary session to his viewers attention he says little, but is obviously deeply disturbed with the direction things have gone in over the past years and months. As such I would like to honor him for his willingness, like Dr Malhotra to ‘look again’ and have his ‘mind changed’ from the ‘safe and effective’ narrative that everyone was ‘sold.’
I would also like to honor Mr Andrew Bridgen. M. P. for being ‘willing to see.’ and then bring his ‘earth shattering’ findings to the government. I was horrified that all but 4 or 5 seats were empty revealing the bankruptcy of courage, morality and integrity within the British government.
Yet I was at the same time delighted to witness for the first time ever in a government broadcast, ‘ the kingdom of God’ in the way in which the 4 or 5 members present conducted business.
“I yield to the honorable member from……” did not have the hollow ring of an empty tradition but the authenticity of a few decent men seeking to honestly discern the truth and serve the people whom they represented.