I had one reader say he found it hard to ‘disentangle’ a blog.
That got me thinking and I envisioned a tangled ball of wool and then a tapestry.
After my Three Timely Encouragements I received a few emails from readers who in the midst of the thread I set forth found a point of ‘overlap’ with the thread of their own lives and wrote to tell me so and that this had been an encouragement to them.
This is how I would encourage you to approach the blogs, not primarily as a line by line rational teaching, but my simply instructing by sharing ‘our story’, trusting that it will be a source of ‘pings’ or winks from Father for where it overlaps the thread of your story.
This is the Grand tapestry he is weaving through our lives, or as last week’s song declared, the Grand story or play he is authoring!
This is to be an encouragement, that he sees it all, knows what is going on in my life, in your life, and how they overlap. This again relates to the faith I focused on in the last blog, for ‘unless you become as a little child you cannot enter this kingdom …..of childlike wonder and awe!
On the Hazel Sign
Sam in North Carolina wrote to remind me their family live on Hazel Lane! This brother and his wife have over their lives contributed enormously to the healing and training of thousands of young people!
During our call with Christine in Wisconsin she told us she had looked up the meaning of Hazel and said it meant “Commander of authority’ and also ‘inherent cleansing.’ Ummmm.
On the Patrick Sign
Michelle in Canada wrote,
Dear Paul,
Thank you for your most encouraging recent blog. I am still here in Vancouver working as a psychiatrist for I don’t know how much longer. (Noncompliant ones are being squeezed out)
The Lord brought me on a walk about yesterday and I acquired two books in community share boxes and one was called “ the double portion life – the Elisha anointing for entering your divine destiny”
Today, I was in the park reading all about anointing and praying for fresh corporate anointing.
I sat quietly and heard “when you go home anoint your face with rose oil” (I have some very high quality rose oil from a Christian company).
Then, I finished the book and read your blog where you mentioned the 32000hz frequency of rose oil! I did not know that! So I was very encouraged with that! I have Irish heritage with strong ties to county Cork and Kerry. I pray in agreement for the full restoration for the people of Ireland.
Just a quick note thanking you for the beautiful roses. 😊
Keith in Belfast asked for prayer that as he went to minister in Lebanon in an “amazing work reaching across 14 different divides and factions with the love of Jesus”.…. he would carry that ‘Patrick’ fire! to rekindle faith, fellowship, and fidelity.
I had a dream last night were we were joyfully reunited with dear friends in a happy heavenly village ….that had won God’s Village of the Year award :- )
So thank you one and all for your feedback questions, comments and Encouragements! Keep them coming : – )
P.S. When I went to find a Tapestry to illustrate this blog I came across the one above. Here is a link talking about the symbolism.
Interestingly it explains how the focus of these tapestries was not a single artist but the group collaborating on such work. Those of us who are journeying together as a conscious part of the Tapestry know of course the real meaning of “Mon Seul Desir” (Haggai. 2:7)