Below are two very illuminating pieces shedding light on what has happened in our ‘world gone mad!‘…….from a psychological point of view that is.
One piece is succinct and humorous. It focuses on a recent fixation with one item of CLOTHING.
The other is substantive. and scholarly and talks about the MIND games that have been played on us.
They contain brilliant insights. I would encourage you to watch both in their entirety.
Funny first……
Now serious…….
I believe people need a sense of identity, belonging and significance. In other words they need to know who I am, what I am a part of, and how I am a significant part of that which I am a part of.
It has been an absence of these three things that has predisposed our world to the ‘madness’ of the last few years.
Surely then, ‘the fields are ripe unto harvest‘ for the ultimate answers to these three basic human needs are found only, in a lived experience of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The song “I Am Your Son O God”** begins…..
“I AM your SON O God. You are my Father”
Because the Son of God bore all my sins.
I hear his cry go up, “My God I am forsaken!”
Now as your son O God I cry, “O my Father.”
Now as your son O God i cry, “O my Father”
The counterfeit identity we are being sold, is as a ‘world citizen.’ This however is ‘the world’ of the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, a ‘world’ system of which we’re told, “Friendship with the world is enmity with God.” (James.4:4)
Taking on this “New World Order” identity will always disappoint but finding our true identity in Christ will lay to rest that ‘free floating anxiety’ as we learn to rest secure in our Father’s arms.
Consequent upon the discovery of who we really are in Christ, we then joyfully find
I BELONG in my Father’s family!
This family of God, this authentic community of King Jesus, is a far cry from the counterfeit collective offered by ‘the world’ which will also disappoint.
In true ‘koinonia‘ fellowship, we are deeply connected to one another as we participate together in the very life flow of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Then I go on to discover, “I have a SIGNIFICANT role to play! ……..I am not just, ‘worthless chattel!'” I have a unique part to play in the family, as we bring in God’s kingdom on earth!
As the second verse of the song says….
“I AM YOUR SERVANT Lord. You are my Master.
Because the Servant Son died on a cross.
I hear his cry go up,
“My work I have now finished.”
Now as your servant Lord I cry, “O my master.”
Now as your servant Lord I cry, “O my master.”
When we make this wonderful journey of finding our true identity, our true community and then our true purpose in life, our response cannot but be…….
Forever will I praise my Father my Master
Forever will I praise, Christ Jesus the Son
For from the dust of earth we’re created and redeemed
Raised to the highest place as Sons and Servants of the KIng
That we ‘the fallen ones’ should be objects of such grace
Ours is this privilege to serve before our Father’s face
Ours is this privilege to serve before our Father’s face.
I’m reminded of the story in Mark 5 about the madman who was possessed by a “legion” of demons, who after being delivered by Jesus was found…..“Clothed and in his right mind.”
May we co-operate as fellow laborers with the Lord in the coming harvest, as those he brings to us, find their way out of this present ‘madness‘, called “Mass Formation” described so well by Mattias, and are found clothed and in their right mind.
“CLOTHED in His righteousness.” (Is. 61:10) and having put on – ‘the MIND of Christ’ (1 Cor. 2:16)
** From Come Lord Jesus