In the previous blog I talked about how Our Donegal Sandwich was made up of two personalized slices of ‘bread’ in the Elijah Streams episode, before and after the meat of Johnny Enlow’s presentation about the prophetic significance of this year’s Belmont Stakes.
Then I began talking about ‘the meat’ of the sandwich Johnny unpacked and how it too had a personalized significance for us.
The winner of the race was called MO DONEGAL.
In Endweave Part 1 I talked about the MO aspect. The revelation MOses had on the MOuntain was to do with the nature of God. In response to Moses request that God show him his glory He says, “I will make all my goodness pass before you..” In other words God’s glory is his goodness! This is further expanded on when God describes himself.
“The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, 7 keeping steadfast love for the thousandth generation,forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, yet by no means clearing the guilty, but visiting the iniquity of the parents upon the children and the children’s children, to the THIRD and FOURTH generation.” (Ex.34:6,7 NRSV)
Mo Donegal’s owner was Mike Repole. Mike said the victory was ‘The end of a 40 year journey.’ 40 represents a generation.
I went back today to the start of this blogging assignment 76 months ago! This is the number for Cleansing. I grew up living at #76, and riding the #76 bus!
My BeLOnGings introduction featured a photograph of our family: guess where?
Yes, Donegal.
In September 2015 our family had returned to Ireland for our 40th wedding anniversary.
This photograph of our family as it was then on our 40th, standing on a plot of land owned by my father and mother, thus encompasses 3 or 4 generations.
Johnny linked Mo Donegal’s win to Donald Trump’s Scottish/Irish ancestry and to the Hebridean revival.
Donald means, ‘ruler of the world.’
Johnny’s main point from his notes was….
• DON and EGAL. DON = Trump. EGAL means “equal.” Egalitarian = “based on the idea that PEOPLE are equally important and should have the same rights and opportunities.” “All humans are equal in fundamental worth.”
I believe God is indeed ‘Cleansing’ worldwide as we anticipate the coming of His kingdom government for the benefit of all mankind in the Age of Tabernacles.
In September 2018 we were lead to celebrate the feast of Tabernacles in Donegal.
I realized the Donegal coat of arms (pictured above) represents both the first work of Christ in the cross, and the second work in the hand carrying the message of the cross in ‘Tabernacles’ power throughout the earth.
We sensed it was Father’s time to fulfill the vision of Patrick/Brigit/Columba where the fire of God is rekindled again in Ireland beginning in the north and spreading throughout the land and the whole earth. Bob Jones prophesied to us, “I’ve given you a vision, an awakening; and it’s absolutely going to happen!” This vision is portrayed in the song, ‘O Ireland’. The final verse goes….
O Ireland from whence the gospel light was shed
O Ireland the dove now hovers o’er your head
Only in Jesus could you ever be
One in heart completely free
And once again God’s love proclaim
A burning heart in Jesus name.
2018 was also the year when Pope Francis visited Ireland for the World Meeting of Families. We sought to be the ‘Amen’ on earth to our Father’s revealed will from heaven as 10 of us gathered to worship and pray in a ‘famine cottage’ in Donegal. That Sunday morning Paul McAree came to me excitedly saying ‘Listen to this!”……. It was ‘O Ireland’ being played on the radio!
The final service of the WMOF event had ended earlier than planned, and so the EWTN program presenter had chosen to play ‘a song, written by Irish singer songwriter, Paul Kyle’
She thought it was “to fill in time“, but we knew it was “to confirm God’s time” for the vision to be realized.
EWTN is the most listened to Christian radio station in the world. That morning, the song was literally heard by millions of people in nearly every country on earth!
(This does not reflect one way or another on the pope or EWTN. They are merely conveyers of, as that blog series was entitled, an “Irish Road Sign” from the Lord.)
I have written before about how a similar vision to Patrick’s for Ireland was given to George Washington…….. for the USA……. also with ‘the light’ beginning in the north!
In that same blog I told the amazing story of how we then ‘to the minute’ arrived in Letterkenny, “The Cathedral Town” of Donegal for the commissioning of an American friend, one of 46 young people to take the gospel throughout Ireland. I described the significance of the number 46 as it relates to the restoration of our temple (Jn. 2:20)
After watching the Johnny Enlow video, I then came across the above video by Rachel, (gematria 47) ‘the Writeside Blonde’. It is a fascinating ‘decoding’ of the George magazines, launched by John F, Kennedy Jr.
It just so happens that the edition covering Donald Trump….. was edition 47.
The next President will be….. the 47th.
The week of the Belmont 2022 when Mo Donegal won, Hilary and I were in Donegal ……..celebrating our 47th Wedding anniversary!
Just sayin’