I have been asked, “……but how could so many good (Christian) people be so wrong?”
I have answered this question previously by referencing psychological/psychiatric sources such as F Scott Peck’s “The People of The Lie” and links about “Mass Formation Psychosis”, Stockholm Syndrome etc., but last week I was sent a biblical and spiritual perspective entitled Delusional Culture by my respected brother and friend, Gary Schreiner who lives in Switzerland. Gary just lost his job for refusing to take ‘the jab’.
2 Peter 2:4-10 references two old testament characters, Noah and Lot. Lot is described as a ‘righteous man’ but Noah is described as a ‘preacher of righteousness’. In Gen. 14 Lot moves to be NEXT to Sodom, by chapter 19 he has moved INTO Sodom and become ‘a respected citizen’ of the City, denoted by his having a seat with the elders at the gate.
Gary writes…….
“While many countries are above 75% vaxxed there is no letting up on the push to get the rest a Covid-19 jab. Herd immunity seems to operate differently with this virus as generally a population is immune after so many are “protected”.
Pastors are asking many questions regarding the vaccines and the mandates to have people vaxxed. One question that remains for most unanswered is this; If the vaccines change the host DNA then believers who have taken it have been allowed by God to let this happen with little to no information about it. How could God permit this?
Whereas there are studies by virologists to demonstrate that the DNA is changed permanently where is there evidence that God would allow it to happen unbeknown to believers?
Jesus helps us here when He said that the end times would be like unto the days of Noah and the days of Lot. Both together must be considered in order to see our current situation.
Noahs Profile
Noah was a preacher of righteousness. A hundred years before the flood he was warned and instructed to build an ark. He did this and thereby condemned the wicked world which he and seven others left behind in the provision of God. Noah had remained genetically untainted but later there were again giants in the world whose DNA was altered.
Lots Profile
Lot was righteous, as the bible says, but most certainly he did not preach righteousness in Sodom as they would neither listen to him or tolerate the message. Lot chose to live in Sodom. Although the wickedness of the Sodomites vexed the soul of righteous Lot he tolerated it and coped while he made a nice living in the city. When the angels showed up at the gate of the city he had no clue why they had come but immediately extended hospitality to the two strangers. Even after the bizarre scene in front of his house where the men of Sodom demanded the delivery of the two angels to fulfill their perverse lust and the counter offer of Lot to send out his two daughters instead, it never dawned on righteous Lot that something terrible has happened and that he and his house should leave immediately.
The angels explained that they had come to deliver him and his house from the pending judgment. They told him to go and gather all his house and he went to his sons in law and repeated what the angels told him. The two men laughed in his face. When he returned Lot did not seem to be so convinced that it was as bad as he was told and began to hesitate when the angels said it was time to leave. Finally the angels grabbed the four of them by the hand and led them out. Even then Lot was not willing to go the whole way out which would have been up into the mountain and negotiated to be allowed to stay in Zoar. His wife looked back and became a pillar of salt. Later they did go up into the mountain and there, Lot’s daughters made him drunk and lay with him thinking there were no more men available to them. How delusional.
Lot was vexed, worn out and tormented by the culture he lived in. The result of which was a state of delusion. He witnessed day after day the evil of the culture and eventually saw it to be acceptable and normal. No righteous person will look at rape and think it to be normal let alone acceptable in the culture. No righteous person would offer up his daughters for rape to oblige the cultural demands. No righteous person would think because no one was around that incest was necessary. All this was displayed by Lot and his family.
But delusional persons would be able to do all of this thinking it normal. The delusional effect of the Covid-19 culture
Before Covid-19 the standards and definitions of several things were different than they are now. For example, that a paper mask does not make any difference in stopping the spreading of a virus in a population has long been understood, yet now it does make a difference. Obviously there is some other reason to wear a mask;)
A vaccine before Covid-19, was a weakened form of a virus injected into a person which caused the person to develop immunity to the virus. This immunity protected the person from getting the disease and from spreading it further to someone. That’s not so with the SARS-Cov-2 vaccine. For that a vaccine is defined as anything injected into a person for the purpose of causing an autoimmune response. Period. No immunity, no protection and spreading the virus is the accepted result of this vaccination. That my friend is a new vaccination! Right? Or maybe they don’t care that you are unprotected just so you get the shot.
Definitions are regularly being changed and this amounts to lawlessness and leads to delusion. The vexing that Lot felt according to 2 Peter 2:8 was due to their lawless deeds. It is vexing when a man can be a woman or believe a woman can have a penis! Our current culture is full of lawlessness and the effect is a deluded society.
The end time church is Laodicea and it is marked by its delusion. They think they are wealthy and well to do and do not know that they are naked and blind! They should repent and buy gold and sauve for their eyes as Jesus said!
But deluded people can’t see things as they are any more. The new reality has become normal for them. This is the reason why, I believe, God did not warn Lot and why He is not warning some believers today. He is however calling them to repent – change their minds about what is culture and what is worship.
The word culture comes from cult. A cult is how a people worships their god or idols. Today’s culture dictates that we acknowledge that the vaccine works and that wearing a mask can help stop the spread of Covid-19 among other things. This is vexing, tormenting and wearing out the believers especially as they have some sense of righteousness in contrast to the profane world.
When a believer chooses to get vaxxed then he or she has acknowledged that they think the un-vaccine works and they are ready to wear the sign of their acknowledgement, the paper mask if need be. The repeated and continual message in the propaganda day by day has worn them out, worn them down and deluded them. They have been set up to believe the lie.
Many have chosen the vax for its privileges like eating in a restaurant, going to a movie or a sports event or in order to travel on their vacation. These are all well to do privileges and it would hurt very much if one didn’t have them. If the cost is just a jab in the arm then just do it! Such a person is a real friend of the world’s system and probably scores high in its social credit system.
As friendship with the world is enmity with God this is an additional cause for God not to communicate with them. However we know that “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” and so God continues to appeal to our hearts through the manifestation of his love in the finished work of Christ in his death and resurrection and his ongoing ‘intercession’ for us all.”
Another main player in the Lot story is of course Lot’s uncle Abraham. God did reveal to him that judgment was coming to Sodom knowing full well how he would respond. Abraham prayed for his nephew and gained the intercession; Lot would be rescued out of Sodom before the hellfire rained down on it.
There are only these two profiles to pick from when we want to assign a role to the believers. Either you are a deluded Lot type or an interceding Abraham type. If you don’t know which one you are then hopefully someone is praying for you. Those of you who know which one you are don’t need to be told what they should do.
Now unto Him Who is able to keep you from falling and to make you stand in His glorious presence.
May we, in these days, seek to be found to be of Abraham and of Noah……rather than of Lot!
P.S. Below is a link where you can register for a free viewing of a timely new series called “Propaganda Exposed’ An impressive cast of ‘truth seekers’ affirm that we have been once again living in the corrupt, “days of Noah’ (Matt.24:37)