After posting the last blog which landed us all in Canberra Australia, Father reminded me about my relationship with Canberra. Let me share that story briefly for your encouragement.
The only project I can remember doing at Gilnahirk Primary School was building a model of the Canberra sailing ship out of balsa wood. The only thing I can remember about that, was the teacher’s comment, “Are you not finished yet Kyle?” which is likely why it is the only project I can remember, as I was still sanding away at the ship’s big hull, while others had moved on to their next project!
Like the Titanic, the Canberra was proudly built at Harland and Wolf shipyard in Belfast. It cost 17m. pounds and was named on 17th March 1958 for the federal capital of Australia. It was originally built as one of the last Ocean Liners carrying people between the UK and Australia. For all the hours I spent creating my model I never imagined our St Brendan’s sailing adventure in life…….. that would end up taking us to Canberra, Australia!
We had been invited to share at a conference organized by The Servants of Jesus in Sydney. After making a presentation on repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation, a lady approached me eager to talk. She said her name had also been Kyle.
Her family had been Protestant from Northern Ireland and she had committed the ‘unforgivable sin’ of marrying a Catholic. As a result she said her family disowned her and wanted nothing more to do with her. We had a very tender time of prayer applying what I had just taught on repentance and forgiveness, where I as a representative of the Kyles and the Protestants asked for her forgiveness. It was a beautiful time of healing and reconciliation and the beginning of a friendship that resulted in her inviting our family to visit her family in her home in Canberra.
We had a wonderful time of family fellowship there, the opportunity to share the gospel of reconciliation with hundreds of children at a school, and occasion to climb up to the front door of the Parliament Building, the scene of the drama in the last blog, and sing……..
“Lord Jesus we enthrone you we proclaim you are King…of Australia!”
As this came back to me during the night ….Father drew may attention back to the first name of this lady, whose maiden name had been Kyle…..
It was Carmel.
He said to me that just as I had reported in the blog on a contest in Canberra involving fire (microwave heat weapons being used by the Satanic forces!)….. to remember what happened in the contest on MOUNT CARMEL.
There Elijah’s God proved to be more than a match for the prophets of Baal!
The enemy’s goal has always been to divide and conquer. In this city where we experienced the miracle of God over the years and miles orchestrating a wonderful healing and reconciliation we proved personally that the enemy’s plan to steal, kill and destroy will fail…… and God’s plan through Christ to reconcile all things to himself, will succeed. (Col.1:18.20)
Hallelujah! God wins!
P.P.S. I found the above photo ‘randomly’ on the internet, and knew it confirmed this blog, as our good friend William Millar who reads the blog, also hails and sails out of Belfast : – )