I often find that the people God speaks to me through are blissfully unaware they are being used as a ‘prophet’
Rob wrote again after reading the last blog. His final sentence was,
“Taking pictures of boots in winter makes one wonder if you were standing barefoot!
Holy Ground indeed. : )”
Unwittingly Rob was giving a ‘divine segue’ into that ‘whole other story‘ about the unrecorded song that I referenced in the last blog…..
But let me first digress. There are in fact two songs that over the years have been my most sought after. Repeatedly I have had to say to folk looking for them after a live performance. “Sorry. That one is not recorded!”
Many years ago I was prompted to give these two songs back to the Lord. I decided not to ‘put my best foot forward’ so as to speak, in a ‘self promotion’ sense by making a recording of them, but to dedicate them as a thank offering to the Lord and only use them in ‘live’ situations when he released me to do so.
The first song was, “You Came To Me”.
The second song was inspired by Ps.19 and is entitled, “The Heaven’s Declare.”
The chorus resounds,
‘And the whole of creation cries with one voice,
“Your Maker loves you. Rejoice! O man! Rejoice!”‘
A few years ago I did finally feel released to record the two songs and was given from this chorus the title for the album,
“The Whole of Creation.”
Ben and I have been working on it in fits and starts, because of different circumstances, now for over several years.
One day as we sat in his studio talking over “The Whole of Creation” album, I noticed the digital readout behind him kept changing….. but repeatedly returned to 1188
Father pointed out to me this was the middle verse in the whole Bible, Psalm 118:8.
I realized this this verse was “The Heart of the Whole” message of scripture.
“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.”
Surely this is what the last few years has all been about…..a testing of where we are placing our trust.
We have been witnessing the Psalm 2 ‘kings of the earth’ rebellion against the Lord.
Not only have these ‘kings’ been tested by God, but all men have been tested as they have responded to the abusive mandates issued by these little ’emperors’ The application of their absurd decrees has resulted in untold harm to people’s bodies and souls, often unto death.
I sense the Lord’s anger especially against church leaders who have gone along with this devilish plan, joining in the fear mongering and shame based motivations to ‘comply’ with this evil agenda that has damaged ‘the sheep’ whom they have been charged to care for!
When the leaders of the people self righteously asked the prophet, “Should we fast again in the 5th and 7th months as we have done for so many years?” God’s word to Zechariah (chapter 7)was,
“Ask all the people of the land, and the priests. When you fasted and mourned (read, ‘went through the ‘virtuous’ actions of masking and social distancing’) for the past seventy years…… was it really for me?”
“This is what the Lord Almighty says. ‘Administer true justice, show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor.'”
These vulnerable ones are those who have suffered most over these last years while the rich and powerful have garnished at their expense more wealth and power.
Take for example, the elderly – dying alone! And the children – deprived of the most basic elements of nurture, smiling faces and warm embraces! Instead being injected with dangerous toxins to defend against a condition from which they have a 99.9987% recovery rate? https://mighty.stonekingdom.org/posts/20231544?notification_id=2216881146
I didn’t intend writing all this when I started the ‘whole other story’ about the unrecorded songs, but was confirmed in this line of thought when someone later in the day sent me the following video which I strongly encourage you to watch.
It is a talk by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny.
Do you remember the series of blogs I wrote when in Ireland when the number 10 kept popping up? Over the last few days I have been aware when I’ve put my hand in my jean pocket I have felt a loose 10 dollar bill and a dime…a TENPENNY piece. (Illustrated above)
I realize now Father was drawing my attention back to the meaning of 10 – “The re-establishing of God’s order.”
In the first 30 minutes of this video I believe this medical doctor functions as a ‘prophet’ as she weaves together her medical knowledge with the scriptures to describe what is actually going on in the world today.
Prophets can be gnarly rather than ‘nice’. Try reading all the ‘red letter verses’ in the gospels – not just your favorites! This is why He and they are often shunned, rather than welcomed as those who’s gift must be received, if the sheep of God’s pasture are to be cared for, and his nature in it’s wholeness and holiness is to be fully manifested through the church.
At the end of her forthright message Dr Tenpenny as a true prophet offers hope, the hope that can only come when we are willing to take personal responsibility and be restored to God’s order through a repentant heart.
Her message is the same as Hilary and I received in the middle of the night a number of months ago and made available in our piece “Consider then the kindness and severity of God” In that piece I used the 5 biblical steps which we will be teaching and applying at our FREEDOM! retreat this coming weekend, specifically to the act of choosing to invite someone to inject into the Holy Ground of the body you have been given stewardship of, ‘the temple of the Holy Spirit“, an ‘unknown’ and ‘untested’ substance.
Thankfully a few verses latter in the Zechariah passage we read of God’s promise to bring Restoration specifically for the elderly and the children,
“This is what the Lord Almighty says. “Once again men and women of ripe old age will sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each with cane in hand, because of his age. The city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there.”‘
Back to those two 10s in my pocket. 10+10 = 20
This is the number for Redemption, for no matter what we have done or not done, God is our Redeemer and we know, He is able, and will, work “all things together” for our good and for His glory!!
P.S. Back to the songs and ‘a whole other story’ next week!