This morning I received this email from our dear friends in Great Barrington who have stood faithfully over many years as ‘Gatekeepers’ for ‘New England’ where The Flame of the gospel first came to this land.
“Dear Paul,
One of the main ‘streams’ of our church prayer meeting last night was the cleansing of the Housatonic river, which flows through the center of Great Barrington, and upon which the native Christian Indians built their mission house and Farm, which, you remember, turns out to be right under our church building.
It is also on the national register of most polluted by lead battery ‘sewage’ from decades of GE factory runoff upstream.
Jonathan Edwards named it ‘The Puritan River’ because it was so pure.
The day it is cleansed, by whatever remediation, God or man, will be a Sign to me that The Move is nigh and working. I had a dream last week in which I was weeping for the Berkshire Land, not the people, church, etc… the Land!
God created the Berkshire land first and loves it. The land cries out and needs to receive and hear the Lord ‘speak a better word than Abel’s’ Heb 12:24**. This was new to me, that the Land is Living! The native Indians understood this, so I think I was in that ‘stream in the dream’.
Thanks again for the subtle witness that we are in the river together.
Love to Hilary the sniffer and all.
I went back to reread a blog I posted on October 7th 2021, entitledI “The King is Coming”.
It was about The Flame coming, first to New England, and the significance of Great Barrington.
In a P.S. I quoted from Cheryl……
“………the successful transformation of alternating current first happened in Great Barrington. The first street lights and house to house transmission of electricity happened here. GB literally gave light to the rest of the world!“
I suggested The Great Barrington Declaration which was signed there in ‘the middle of the feast’ of Tabernacles last year, was a flame that was being lit that would give light to the rest of the world in this dark time.
This morning Stephen Jones ‘just happened’ to also post this…….
** “And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant and to the blood of sprinking that speaks better things than that of Abel.” This is the theme of the song “God’s Land” on the O Ireland album.