“As for the saints in the land. They are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight.” (Ps.16:3)
The widely publicized Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has concluded and the first person I described as a “Noble Kyle”, has now been found “Not Guilty” by the US justice system.
The second “Noble Kyle”, Kyle Warner, has been also been undergoing his own ‘Trial’ as this post shows……..
As I watched and listening to both these young men men they struck me as compassionate and courageous. They have both journeyed along “The Road less Travelled” This of course is the title of a bestselling book by the Christian psychiatrist, M. Scott Peck.
I have always identified with this title because of the unusual journey the Lord has taken us on in life, but had never read the book, not until this week that is, when I read not only Peck’s first classic, but also his second, “People of the Lie”, a study on evil.
“The Road” is the road upwards to spiritual maturity. Peck believes the reason so few make this journey along the ‘highway of holiness’ is because of original sin expressed in “Laziness”. By this I believe he means the unwillingness to experience the discomfort of doing the work of discovery and debate in order to find the truth and thus to ‘remap one’s view of reality’, becoming more one with God, who is the Way the Truth and the Life
Developing this further in “People of the Lie” he identifies “Pride” as the root of those he considers ‘evil’ which finds expression in their unwillingness to acknowledge any personal flaw and their need to be in total control. As he points out EVIL is simply LIVE spelt backwards. The evil one, ‘the father of lies’ was ‘a murderer from the beginning’. Evil people destroy other people, and in the end of the day, themselves
We live once again in ‘the days of Noah‘ when “God saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.” We see it demonstrated for example in the hateful responses to the two ‘Noble Kyles’
Facts no longer matter. Name calling as a ‘white supremicist’ or ‘antivaxxer’ have been used to demonize these two who do not ‘fall in line’ with the dominant and divisive narrative spun by ‘the father of lies’. The suffering of these two has been as a result of evil at work in opposing their ‘nobility’
I found the most intriguing chapter in “People of the Lie,” the one entitled MYLAI: An Examination of group Evil.
This refers to the indiscriminate massacre of hundreds of Vietnamese civilians that went unreported.Many who were considered ‘ordinary decent’ people participated in the atrocity.
It helped answer the objection I often hear, “How could what you believe about evil and corruption on such a grand scale be so, when there are so many ‘good people’ in the medical profession.”
Having trained as a doctor I know dozens of ‘good’ people in the medical profession. I was embarking on a career in psychiatry but God had a different idea.
What a gift to then find someone who with the same Christian faith has synthesized in these books valuable information gained from lifetime of psychiatric practice about how good and evil manifest in humanity!
Although written 40 years ago, like Lewis’ “The Silver Chair” or Orwell’s 1984 it is incredibly illuminating as to what we are all going through at this time. In MYLAI it was the military, but of all ‘specialized groups’, Peck writes,
“The specialized groups therefore are particularly prone to narcissism – that is to experiencing themselves as uniquely right and superior in relation to other homogenous groups.”
in these days of ‘medical tyranny’ it is the medical ‘specialists’ who have featured.
He continues….
“For the reality is that it is not only possible but easy and even natural for a large group to commit evil without emotional involvement simply by turning loose – it’s ‘experts’.
It happened in Vietnam, It happened in Nazi Germany, I am afraid it will happen again.”
The conditions for this to happen again have been greatly enhanced over the past 40 years. With the disappearance of objective journalism and real education as people are dumbed down, brainwashed and bullied, bribed and blackmailed, truth has been the casualty.
I say this not to condemn but merely explain why I have had such negative feedback from most of my medical friends who seem unwilling to ‘do the work’ of opening up to a different ‘map of reality’ to the one they have dedicated their lives to. I wonder if but for the grace of God in taking me along a different road in life I might well have found myself in their position.
There are only a few of my medical friends, that we know of, who have heroically been willing to ‘do the work’ of asking the hard questions and with an open mind seek out the truth, discovering that we are in fact currently facing – a global demacide***
……..another OURLIE massacre.
When Hilary and I had our dramatic ‘visitation’ from the Lord a few months ago, I wrote an account of it called, ‘Consider then the Kindness and Severity of God.”
As it was a ‘pearl’ we had received from the Lord, we did not feel at liberty to just publish it for anyone and everyone to see. Rather we said if you had personal questions or doubts we would be happy to send it to you. Two reached out to me. They were looking for help. They were ready to do the work.
In return I can say they both received from the Lord ‘miraculous’ aid in their different but equally difficult situations.
Interestingly these two ‘NOBLE’ ladies were also called by a form of the name KYLE!!
Why these two ? The scripture comes to mind,
“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
The grace they experienced preceded current events. One confided with me that from a very young age the scripture that forms the basis for the FREEDOM! song , “On the day you were born I danced over you…” has been a living reality to her.
She is secure in her identity as a child of God. Her identity as ‘a medical worker’ is secondary!
There is indeed a Cost of Noblity, whether being maligned and ostracized as a ‘white supremicist‘ like Rittenhouse or an ‘antivaxxer‘ like Warner or a ‘conspiracy theorist‘ like my doctor friend.
This however is what we must bargain for if like Paul our disposition is to, “… press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil.3:14)
This is “The Road Less Travelled”
As Paul said elsewhere,
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?
……..Run in such a way as to get the prize.” (1 Cor. 9:24)