I wonder which scripture came to your mind?
Possibly Psalm 27:4 as we hum,
“One Thing I ask for and that shall I seek To dwell in the house of the Lord.”
But if there is a hierarchy of scripture, I favor Jesus words about Mary over David’s to God.
“Only One Thing is needful…and Mary has chosen the better part.”(Luke 10:42)
I believe worship should be a marriage of stating objective truth and expressing subjective experience. I think Charles Wesley got a good balance.
Nowadays however our hymnody seems to again have been evangelized by “The Century of the Self” and has lost that balance singing more about what we feel or think about God or what we want from God than about God himself and a response to the completed work of Christ!
I can’t remember the tune to:
“One Thing I ask for and that shall I seek To obey the voice of the Lord” : – ))
This year during the lenten season we have been pondering John’s gospel. Time and again Jesus reminds us of how his love is demonstrated in his heartfelt obedience to the Father.
For me this simplifies the life of faith to One Thing, which I summarize this way,
“Love who and what I have set in front of you – right now.”
What that looks like can only be revealed for each one of us as we learn to abide in Him and be instructed each moment by the Spirit within.
For Jesus it was no different,
“The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue to know the word that sustains the weary. Morning by morning He waken my ear to hear like one being taught. The Sovereign Lord has opened my ear…and I was not rebellious” (Is. 50:4-9)
…….even on that last morning of Gethsemane, sensing where things were going, he nonetheless double checked with the Father in the garden how that day was meant to end.
The One Thing Jesus is recorded as telling us specifically to learn from Him is meekness and humility of heart….resulting in rest for our souls. He address’s this direction to those who are “weary” (Matt 11:28-30)
Thus He simply divides the world into just two groups…….those who are “weary” and those who are submissively receiving a word from Father to sustain those who are weary.
May we be of those who are daily migrating from the first group to the second!
P.S. My friend Jim Hart also does a good job of balanced worship as President of the Institute of Worship Studies. I received his seasonal meditation this morning.