In case you hadn’t noticed, we are in the third conflict of this age, involving the whole globe.
WWIII is not a ‘conventional’ war but an informational war between ‘that one called the Deceiver” whose ‘works shall be destroyed‘ and the one who is the Way the TRUTH and the Life, who has already, ‘crushed that serpent’s head’***
The bible calls the battle, ‘Armageddon’. Stephen Jones wrote about Armageddon this week in his blog where he has been outlining how he has been lead in spiritual warfare over the last three decades. He believes,
“Armageddon is the spiritual name of the gathering place where the nations are brought to divine judgment. It is not the tiny plain of Megiddo in old Israel. It is a world-wide battle where the kings and governments of all nations are gathered (Revelation 16:14).
In 2020 we began to see this emerge into the earth. Most people, however, have not recognized this, because their end-time model of Armageddon is based on their incorrect view of the Israeli state and the nature of that final battle. They are looking for the rapture, the rise of “The Antichrist” and a seven-year tribulation prior to the fall of Babylon.
They think that uniformed troops will march against Israel and engage in conventional warfare in the plain of Megiddo. This blinds them to what is actually happening right before their eyes, as millions of people are being killed, not by the coronavirus, but by the great genetic experiment infamously called a “vaccine.” No troops need to march to Megiddo. They are being killed in their own countries by the deception of “sorcery” (Revelation 18:23). The Greek word is pharmakeia, from which we get our word pharmacy, “drug store.”“
The full blog can be found at,
One of my blog readers this week wrote to say she is sharing my blogs with those ‘who are still on the fence.’ I have sought to ask questions and provide links to people who I believe are credible and informative so that you can do your own research and critical thinking.
Today I am giving you links for Diving Deeper.
The first link above, is an interview with one of the most highly accredited Doctors alive today. I appreciate the modest Dr Peter McCullough’s objective scientific analysis of what has been going on in the battle of ‘Armageddon’.
Another conversation well worth listening to is between the wise Dr N and the fearless Dr M. They touch on many subjects related to this battle, from root canals to the Nephilim, but it is essentially a very useful source of practical advice about protocols to get and stay healthy in these days and encouragement to find immunity in unity in community! Click here…
….and as for Flying Higher!
Another reader sent me a link to an interview where Veronica West from Ireland shared this week a hopeful vision she had received about current developments in the USA and California in particular. She saw the story of David and Goliath to be re-enanacted to demonstrate that it is not by might and not by power but by God’s Spirit that our deliverance comes in His time, and about the importance of staying at rest ‘seated with Christ in heavenly places’, surrendered and trusting in God’s sovereign plan.
If you have time to listen, the full interview is below.
Tonight at The Big Green House we will be Diving Deeper and Flying Higher as we gather for HEAVENQUAKE. This will be the second time those who are lead together locally will connect with HEAVEN in worship and then ask QUestions and seek Answers in a desire to be awaKE to what God is doing in the earth and in our lives in these days! The first time we met Father showed us this name also means HQ for he desires to find those who are in agreement with his plans, to be the ‘AMEN‘ on earth to what he has ordained from heaven!
*** Born Into A Battle (Come Lord Jesus)