I believe it was Morpheus in the Matrix who said to Neo, “We accept the reality that is presented to us.“
I just watched another Youtube update from Dr John Campbell. You might remember the blog, “Mr Magoo and Mumbo Jumbo.” I was not saying that Campbell was talking Mumbo Jumbo, but repeating this expression he used about those who did not subscribe to the ‘official narrative.’
In this recent update at one point he comments, “Myocarditis is the only significant side effect of the mRna vaccine – the only one that would be really concerning.”
“What planet are you living on?!” I thought, “……When even the CDC has acknowledged 13,000 deaths in association with the vaccines. Is death not a side effect to be concerned about???”
I used the word ‘myopic‘ in the previous blog. Another word from psychoanalytic theory came to mind this time – ‘anal’ No doubt this is what lead to the the origins of the slang idiom, “Get your head out of your arse.” which has been defined as, “An exaggerated visual metaphor for being oblivious, having no vision, being unaware.”
I do not mean to be unkind to Dr Campbell, but to simply recognize that his view of reality is a very narrow and tightly circumscribed one by virtue of a particular personality type that can be of great value in the right context but very dangerous when not! Noticing the number of views his videos glean (more than the wise and circumspect Ivor Cummins!) and the comments following, it is clear that many view Dr Campbell as something of a Covid guru.
While Dr Campbell obviously has accepted the reality that has been presented to him (and to us all) from birth. I invite you to click on the link below to listen to a brief 4 minute video by a Dr Hodkinson who has a very different perspective on ‘reality’.
I was talking to my son-in- law the other day as I gave them a ride back from their vacation. Although we have different opinions on a number of things, our combined 130 years of studying human behavior has us drawing the same conclusion about the current situation.
“Willful self deception.” was the phrase he used. In other words people are unwittingly saying, “I want you to deceive me, because then I am not responsible for my bad choices. because you lied to me!
He illustrated this to me by telling how our 9 year old grandson had on vacation for the first time been exposed to TV commercials.
“Those are really evil!!” was the instant and passionate assessment of this spiritually astute 9 year old.
But alas! we too soon and too easily are ‘bewitched’ and enter Dr Campbell’s massaged mirage reality show
Like the proverbial frog we have all grown up in and acquiesced to the simmering stew of materialistic consumerism in which we have existed, but which now threatens to take our lives!
This even extends to the jabs…..
“So which vaccine did you get?”
“Oh! How was that for you? I got Moderna.”
“Really? I heard Asta Zenica was a pretty good one to get too.”
Consumerism is fixated on ‘getting’
The more sobering question is not “What did you get?” but
“What did you give away in order to get what you got?”
Many people are now awakening to the shocking reality that Dr. Hodgkinson described and are having ‘buyers remorse’ about the narrative they have gone along with and about what it is that they have welcomed into their bodies as part of an experimental gene therapy on humans that went disastrously wrong when conducted on animals.
When people move from the first to the second level of reality it can be a very rude awakening! Feelings of anger and rage rise up, together with grief and sadness, betrayal, depression and anxiety.
What is one to do?
This is where we must quickly ascend to a third level of reality.
The first two levels are to do with interpreting what is happening externally. The third level is about going on an internal journey.
Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Reality and the Life.” Jesus is THE Reality. He can show us the Way back to Life.
That Way involves both crisis intervention and a process of transformation
An example of the process when dealing with anger is found in Psalm 4:4,5 “Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts on your beds, and be silent. Selah. Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the LORD.”
A few nights ago Hilary and I received a powerful message from God about a first step we can take when we find ourselves in this crisis awakening. I entitled it, “Consider the Kindness and Severity of God.” I do not believe I should publish it in the blog but rather more personally and pastorally make it available for those who are having second thoughts and want to reach out to us. It is a sobering but hopeful message with a practical application that we will be happy to send if you just send us an email request.
“And we know, those who love God, that he works ALL things together into the good.”(Rom.8:28)