I made adjusting to UK time hard for myself.
You might remember I referenced “The Matrix” movie in my last Stateside blog. I had seen the film many years ago, so when I discovered not only the original movie but it’s two sequels was on offer, I spent the entire flight binge watching the full Matrix story, or as a friend subsequently described it – The Matrix Documentary…..a prophecy being uncannily fulfilled in current events!
It tells of the long hard struggle between the ‘The One’ (Neo) willing to lay down his life for the salvation of mankind and the anti-human entities who have created the ‘false reality’ of the matrix in order to parasitically prey on humanity. In the end of course, “Love Wins” though it does cost ‘the good guys’ their lives.
Then on the flight home, I noticed that another movie I had also mentioned in a blog, just happened to be on the ‘Recently Added’ list ….. The Truman Show. Interestingly that morning Mike Adams at naturalnews.com had done a ‘Situation Update’ entitled, “The Truman Show meets Venezuela.” so I sensed I was meant to get a refresher view of this movie too.
‘Put your mask up properly!’ A gruff matronly flight attendant barked as I settled back to watch.
I puzzled, “A mask that will do nothing to reduce the risk of others catching an illness that I don’t have and that has a 99+% recovery rate and is entirely treatable? A mask that will damage my physical health and hinder our psychological health that results from natural face to face human connection?”
……….Maybe this movie will give some further insight into the utter “madness” that has overtaken our world!”
Adams writes,
“In the Truman Show film starring Jim Carrey, the lead character “Truman” realizes something is wrong with the world that has been presented to him as “reality.” He begins to see that it’s all theater, and that he’s being lied to by everyone, including family, friends and the evening news. Each time he tries to mount an escape to go beyond the borders of his contrived prison, the producers of the show concoct a new scare story to keep him controlled in a state of fear.
In one instance, they fake a radiation leak to close a highway and block his travel. In another, they fake the death of his father to make him afraid of water so he won’t sail across the fake ocean and reach the horizon. When he faces his fear and tries to sail across the water anyway, they whip up storms, winds and lightning and nearly kill Truman to keep him afraid and controlled.
Sound familiar?
Right now, we are all living in a Truman Show world, where fake authorities concoct scare stories — like the Delta variant — to keep us controlled and enslaved. Any who attempt to break out of the fake world are punished, censored, banned and even criminalized. Any who dare read comments from informed people are warned of engaging with “extremist content.” Social media is policed to enforce only the allowed, “official” narratives so that the entire human race can be kept under the thumb of the global fascists who are now literally working on a mass extermination plan to reduce the global population by billions.”
As I rewatched the movie a few more things were highlighted to me…….because of course ‘everything is prophetic!’
The creator and director of The Truman Show in the movie by the same name is called ‘Christof’……Would that be Christ – OFF? …..a counterfeit messiah?
No prizes for filling in the names of the present day megalomaniacs! Here is an article where Dr Mercola examines who might be behind the current ominous global developments. His “Story at a glance” might be enough for some. Others can dive deeper.
I respect Mercola and Corbett as genuine seekers after true facts, the spiritual dimension however is not something they attempt to deal with.
The following informative and inspiring interview with Jessie Czebotar takes it to that deeper spiritual level.
Born into a Luciferian family she was groomed to participate in a Satanic ritual, met Jesus and the devil’s plan for her life was thwarted. Her testimony affirms the sovereignty of God and the inevitability that his purpose for humanity will prevail.
Around the one hour mark Jessie speaks of the ritual she was to perform involving her reading a ‘living book’ and thus advancing Lucifer’s evil agenda. The ritual was to take place in Rockford Illinois, last April 24th.
You may remember several months ago my recommending the book, ‘The Turning’ by John Larson, Kim Kyle’s father. I was reading it at the time I came across this interview. John’s novel describes a ‘more beautiful world, our hearts know is possible’….the kingdom of God. Where did he locate his experiencing it in the novel? Rockford Illinois.
God incidence?
To return to The Truman Show…….In the end ‘Christ – off’ just can’t believe it when the man in search of the TRUTH – TRUman, chooses to leave the curated ‘safe’ world and step through the dark door ‘into the light’ of the ‘real’ world.
I was reminded of the twisted truth in the Great Reset manifesto, “You will own nothing and be happy.” There is as always a grain of truth in this temptation, for it is only when we realize that we do own nothing, but are simply stewards on behalf of our benevolent creator of everything we have been given and that we, in surrendering our life to God, find ‘life abundant’ as we follow in this way of the true Christ.
In Truman’s final journey from the ‘fake’ world back to the ‘real’ world, he is carried in the yacht Santa Maria. The number on the sail is 139. Psalm 139 speaks of our being formed by God and carried in our mother’s womb, as Jesus was carried in Mary’s womb. In another sense we are now that Mary out from whom Christ will be born, in God’s time. Paul writes to the Galatians, “My children, of whom I travail again until that Christ shall have been formed in you.”
You are left to imagine as Truman bids farewell to Christ-off, and steps through the stage door, his being reunited with Lauren, his TRUE LOVE, the one person who had the courage to speak to him about the false reality he was living in. Truman as such can be a type of the real Christ, and Lauren (lady of victory) of the Bride of Christ.
As I mentioned on the previous blog, a highlight of our trip to Ireland, was how our Father brought us together with a number of “Trumans”.…people eager to find out “What is really going on?”
Most of these folk we had never met before and many of them had not met each other before either! Everyone found tremendous encouragement in discovering other ‘like minded’ folk. It was not primarily about having a common ‘position’ so much as a common ‘disposition’…. to humbly seek out the truth, that sets not only Truman Burbank, but us all…… “free indeed”
“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to search it out.” (Prov.25:2)
These gatherings affirmed to us the importance of the command, “……..not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Heb.10:25) ……….and of the diabolical plan to stop this.
It also highlighted to us the essential nature of the church as outlined by Jesus in Matthew 18. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name (literally: lead together by the Holy Spirit) there am I in the midst of them.”
The times, places and persons of our 7 gatherings were all ordered by the Lord as we waited on him……