The Titanic Bell was one of the few artifacts we brought with us from Belfast to America. It had been a “Thank You” gift from our French brothers and sisters after they spent a week with us recording, Viens Seigneur Viens, the French version of the musical, Come Lord Jesus. The Titanic had of course been built in, and like us, had set sail from, the city of Belfast, on it’s fateful maiden voyage.
Little did we know that from 1995 -2000 every Sunday afternoon we would end up hosting an event in of all places…… The Titanic Lounge, in a downtown Minneapolis Irish pub. The title of the event, St Brendan’s L(a)unch, conjured up the image of a fragile little coracle venturing forth into the wild Atlantic with humble trust in God, and stood in stark contrast to the arrogance surrounding the ‘unsinkable’ Titanic.
This was a God created context in which we were able to share about our faith in Jesus Christ through the vehicle of the Irish culture. There we used the Titanic Bell, ringing it to let folk know they should go to their tables because it was……
“Time for your Irish fry and another round of songs and stories!”
Since then, the Titanic Bell has sat aloft a high dresser in our living room, that is until last weekend, when I lifted it down and asked one of the FREEDOM! prayer team to ring it whenever it came time to rally folk during the retreat to let them know it was………
“Time to leave your home baked Irish fruit soda and go upstairs for more songs and stories!’
The last few participants left on Sunday afternoon. One of them, a trusted friend, had handed me a book he thought I would appreciate reading. As the dust settled later that afternoon, I lifted it from the coffee table to begin the read.
Then I realized that there, on the front cover, was a photo of the ill fated Titanic……and right next to it?
…..our Titanic bell!
What are the chances???
In “Kid by the Side of the Road” Juan O Savin uncovers the hidden truth surrounding some of the pivotal moments in recent American history as pictured on the front of the book, notably the assassination of JFK, the taking down of the Twin Towers, and the sinking of the Titanic.
Having done my own research over the years I concurred with his account of the sinking of the Titanic (actually the Olympic) engineered to eliminate three of the wealthiest men in America who were opposing the take over of the US monetary system by a European based, privately owned, central bank cartel. These bankers spawned ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’, the Federal Reserve, which historically has been a ‘debt/slavery’ instrument, and no more a Federal government agency than FedEX!
Juan describes how the thirteen bloodline families of which the Rothchild’s sit at the head of the table in ‘The City of London’, have used their wealth throughout the centuries, to control and manipulate humanity. They are of the Luciferian religion, in total opposition to God. “The god of this world‘ we are told comes to “steal, kill and destroy” everything that bears the image and likeness to God.
He takes a deep dive into this, describing their use of signs, symbols and numbers. For example the number 17 is their most important number because they believe their god, Osiris, died and was resurrected on the 17th day. They also believe the maximum ‘dark magic’ is created by x 3 magnification. From a military perspective the most undercover site in North America, the location of deep, dark secrets, has been given the name Area 51, i.e. 3 x 17.
As I read this I then realized, that the key scripture we had just used in the FREEDOM retreat was….Zephaniah 3:17 !
This scripture was the inspiration for our FREEDOM! song, which expresses our heavenly Father’s delight in each one of us as his children lovingly created in his image.
“On the day you were born I danced over you
On the day you were born I rejoiced
On the day you were born all heaven proclaimed,
“You’re the child of my love your my choice.’
This is the very antithesis of Luciferianism which seeks to annihilate humanity from the moment of conception, through abortion, and then from the moment of birth through many diabolical strategies including the horrors of child sex trafficking, torture and sacrifice, an industry that has now overtaken drugs in it’s profitability. The muzzling, masking and injecting of babies and children with an experimental gene altering cocktail is the latest addition to this arsenal being employed as part of Satan’s anti god, anti human, global depopulation plan.
Last weekend we were blessed to witness the redeeming power of our Zephaniah 3.17 God.
Through the ‘good news’ of our ‘Dad’s’ redeeming love revealed in the cross of Christ, captives were healed from past wounds, set free and brought into ‘the glorious freedom of the sons of God (Rm.8:21) …..a foretaste of what is to come in God’s failsafe plan, as he redeems all the numbers, beginning with…….
In our final session we sang together….
Towards the final conflict God’s word our command.
We move inevitably onwards God’s weapons held in our hands.
In Him we shall do more than conquer; before our Lord who can stand.
Man shall glorify his Maker; God shall be enjoyed!
And that one called The Deceiver; his works shall be destroyed.
For the kingdom of this world it shall become
The Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ
And He shall reign for ever and evermore

The prodigal returns

Please Forgive.

Happy Days!

A concluding cartwheel celebration!!