The “WAY of JESUS” is the way of TRUTH that leads to LIFE.
Artur Pawlowski’s is a Polish pastor in Canada whose recent video showing him taking a Stand for TRUTH went viral. He shares about a vision God gave him of people sitting on a fence, Then God began shaking the fence and everyone fell off on one side or the other. As I pondered this I sensed these were the two sides.
Those who STAND for TRUTH……………………………………………….Those who FALL for LIES.
Click on the FlashPoint icon below to hear a most inspiring interview with Artur I would highly recommend, especially minutes 15 – 55
This week another courageous man, James O’Keefe with Project Veritas (TRUTH) published a number of videos where a CNN director revealed how that channel (representative of all Mainstream Media and Big Tech) deliberately lies to manipulate the public into agreeing with a preset ‘agenda’
” For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the TRUTH.” (Rm.1:18)
A friend from Belfast just sent me an link to BBC which I rarely look at now. As I scrolled down the page ‘to catch the flavor’ I noticed an interview with the establishment icon, Sir David Attenborough in which he discloses a godless, ‘globalist’ antihuman agenda (21). He says,
“Humans are intruders” “The natural world would do better if we weren’t here at all.”
Just think about that……..
If you’ve been in the pot of propaganda water being brought to the boil with the other crabs for some time it may not mean much too you, but as I have been out of that pot for some time now, It hit me like a ton of bricks!
Again Romans 1 comes to mind
“…..they exchanged the TRUTH of God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is forever praised.” (Rm.1:21)
………..I had just listened to a comprehensive interview with Dr. Michael Pearson, former VP of Pizer which is a good summary of where things are at with Covid 19, the vaccines, and more. He describes with honesty his journey into TRUTH and at one point says he can only conclude, there must be a malignant motivation behind this agenda that would be the ideal way to ‘depopulate‘ the world!
Can you also connect the dots between these two pieces I ‘just happened’ to come across this morning?
Unlike Artur Pawlowski I am not aware of the ‘faith label’ of James O’Keefe or Michael Pearson. But Jesus did not seem concerned about what label we choose to take.
God, alone can judge the heart, (1 Sam. 16:7)
He saw the ‘Roman centurion’ “…. a devout man who feared God with all his household, gave alms generously to the people, and prayed continually to God. (Acts 10:2), and so sent Peter to let this man of integrity who was searching for the TRUTH know….. that his name was ‘Jesus’! Cornelius was already on the Way! He was already walking the walk of humility and integrity toward the TRUTH.
Jesus said, “I came to bear witness to the TRUTH. Whoever is of the TRUTH, hears my voice.”
The ‘Religious leaders’ by contrast often came in for the fiercest criticism from Jesus for talking the ‘shepherd’ talk but not walking the ‘shepherd’ walk.
“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (Jn.8:44)
Let us be careful to make sure we “Live Not By Lies” but according to the TRUTH the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, so help us God, no matter how costly, inconvenient or uncomfortable discovering that Truth might be!
Next weekend we look forward to hosting at The Big Green House, a FREEDOM! retreat, where we help people uncover the lies that have bound them and with ‘the sword of the spirit which is the word of God’ witness how “the TRUTH will set you FREE! (Jn.8:22)