The day I published the last blog about The Sons of Light someone sent me a talk that had been given that same day by Paul Keith Davis also entitled The Sons of Light which I have posted above.
It was another example of what I am calling the Divine Weave of Faith.
This Paul references a dream he had a number of years ago where he had a shocking encounter with EVIL that involved him seeing historic personalities like Hitler and Stalin. A few weeks ago I had a similar dream in which I too had a shocking encounter with evil, only the person I saw was not from history but from our present drama, someone who I believe future history will prove to also be responsible for the death of millions.
Paul then recounts an experience he had last Wednesday morning where the Lord highlighted for him the scene in Gethsemane where Jesus asks the Father if he might be ‘saved from this hour.’ He knew the answer was that it was for this hour that he had come into the world in order ‘to glorify the Father.‘ Paul delivered it as an anointed word of encouragement to the ‘Sons of light’ who may be tempted to lose hope in this, the hour of trial.
This in turn reminded me of a the subsequent scene that the Lord had been speaking to me about throughout last week, where Jesus is then arrested in Gethsemane. Father highlighted to me how in this ‘action scene’ of the armed gang of accusers coming to arrest Jesus, they fall backwards before surging forward again to take him while Peter lunges violently at one of them with his sword, cutting off an ear. In the midst of the mayhem, Jesus models perfectly for us the posture we are to adopt as children of light when we are assailed in this present darkness…….
“..….But I say unto you, do not resist the one who is evil………..I lay down my life…of my own accord.”
…………… in the knowledge of who we are as Sons of the Most High God, and why we are here.
“……………and knowing that he had come from the Father and was returning to the Father……..”
That is, we are to respond ‘in the Spirit’…...rather than react ‘in the flesh’
I have been told a number of times, “You should write a book.” One person even gave me the title, “Travelling Light.” As I continue to read, “The Turning” I am resonating with John Larson’s book. It tells the story of a world turning from darkness to light. …you might say it is about Traveling (Turning) Light.
In the last blog I mentioned Robin’s powerful song with his version of a similar message I had also been given in a song a few years ago about death and resurrection.
Thinking I would have liked to have written John’s book, preached Paul’s sermon, and sung Robin’s song, our Father said,
“You did.……. because “you are members one of another” in the one living body of Christ.“ It is OUR Journey into Hope
The scriptures tell us we each get to choose whether we are
Caught Up in this Divine Weave of Faith or stay Captured in the Diabolical Web of Fear
“Do not be conformed to this world but be TRANSFORMED BY THE RENEWAL OF YOUR MINDS that you might prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Rm. 12:2)
From our birth our minds have been programmed as to what is ‘reality’. The WEB or Matrix is in our thinking. This is where our Journey into Hope takes place, as we escape the programing of fear and shame to discover and delight in this proven weave of faith which is good and acceptable and perfect.
One of the families that have found the blogs and their links helpful in their awakening to this greater reality is called TRUMAN. It reminds me if another movie, The Truman Show. In this movie the main character who thinks his life is ‘real’ discovers that he is actually on a ‘set’, and his life is being filmed and offered as entertainment to the TV audience – I suppose a form of ‘Reality TV’ long before it became popular. In the movie however Mr Truman has not consented to this and realizes he has all the while been deceived and used! The climactic moment is when he gains access to the two dimensional back drop, and incredulous, steps behind it!
We all must wake up to ‘The Stranger in the corner’, who we have allowed into our lives, and who has been spinning this deceitful web.
In listing the ‘idols’ we are prone to worship in the last blog, I omitted three of the the most prevalent and insidious; Comfort, Convenience and Complacency. More and more people however are becoming uncomfortable with what they are seeing happen around them and are looking for an alternative more hopeful narrative than the one Mainstream Misery Media offers.
The main idol Jesus pinpointed was Money. “You cannot serve God and money” he said. It is by following the money that we can often discern motivations and get to glimpse behind the backcloth of the set…….. and discover the wizened old wizard with the microphone behind the sheet who is really ‘pulling the strings.’
Have a look for example at how “Amazing Polly” applied the maxim, ‘Follow the money’ to uncover the story behind the (Tell-lie vision) story about the death of President John Magufuli I recently referenced.
The ‘Sons of light’ who arise at this time, the Body of Christ to be jointed to Jesus, THE son, and the Head of his Body will include some who are alive but many, many more who have paid the ultimate price as they have taken a STAND in faith for truth and love throughout the ages, their lives part of the WEAVE in God’s tapestry of His-Story
“We shall not all sleep……those who have died in Christ will be raised first …..after that we who are still alive …..we shall all be changed….” (1 Cor.15. I Thess 4)
In contrast to this ‘world’ we continue dealing in the ‘currency of the kingdom’, as with integrity we honor one another in the little family/communities our Father provides, giving thanks as we serve each another in love as the “Sons of light” in the darkness. Like our Father, we joyously give the gifts we have been given by him, and in return receive.
Just as I was writing this, the photo below came through from brother Brian. He has been building a family/community bench for us!
A carpenter by day and preaching on the resurrection next Sunday morning? He sure sounds like the ‘Son of light’ to me!

As I pondered Brian’s message, I realized his name means ‘hill’ or ‘noble.’ Brian Boru was the High King of Ireland.
It was another message of HOPE for these days from The High King, the ‘King and Judge of all the earth‘ about His bench. The Bench is where the Judge sits to issue his judgments……
“Don’t allow the actions of evil men to cause you to burn with anger. Instead, burn with unrelenting passion as you worship God in holy awe. Your future is bright and filled with a living hope that will never fade away. “ (Prov. 23: 17,18 TPT)