In doing ‘due diligence’ concerning the so-called, ‘pandemic’, I realize I am at an advantage over many. Firstly, I have the tools from being trained as a medical doctor, albeit many years ago. Secondly I have lived on two continents/cultures, Northern Ireland and the USA. Thirdly I have something of a prophetic calling.
One friend recommended I check out someone who has become something of a ‘Covid celebrity’ judging by the number of ‘views’ on Youtube. So I have been looking in on Dr John Campbell.
His down home style is initially quite appealing. This seems like the sort of guy you could trust especially since he portends to be simply presenting the facts as he painstakingly analyses the latest research papers so you can form your own opinions.
His commentary on The Great Barrington Declaration which I have referenced, left him literally scratching his head and saying, “I don’t quite know what to make of all this” Then on a more recent video where he was advocating for the vaccine he encouraged people to forget about all ‘the mumbo jumbo’ implying any questioning of the predominant narrative.
As I asked the Lord about this he reminded me about a cartoon character from my boyhood called Mr Magoo. Those of you from the UK old enough might remember the hilarious situations this character would get himself into because of his short sightedness! I still remember my Dad chuckling away at his antics!
I do not doubt Dr Campbell’s good intentions, but I fear like Mr Magoo he may have got a little ahead of himself in leveling that ‘mumbo jumbo’ criticism.
Last week I watched an extremely thoughtful and well researched three hour presentation by the amazingly gifted Dr. Zach Bush. He strikes me as a good man, an honest seeker after truth. He is also a product of the American culture. The first thing you encounter on his website ( is this statement……
“Curiosity is the most powerful force on this planet”
I would encourage you to watch or even ‘dip into’ this profound presentation.
I am unaware if either of these men are ‘bible believing Christians’ however if in biblical terms Dr Campbell could be described as a local ‘pastor’, Zach Bush would be the universal ‘prophet’! His curiosity and open-mindedness has resulted in his gaining remarkable insights into what has and is happening on our planet.
These scientific insights (which enabled him to predict the ‘illness’ and it’s point of origin a year in advance) take us beyond a myopia of barnyard chickens to the perspective of the eagle who surveys the bigger picture and a larger ‘spiritual’ purpose.
There is a need for both ‘callings’ to in humility acknowledge one another.
No matter what our calling I believe we owe it to ourselves and to our children and grandchildren to rise up from the barnyard and assimilate the eagle’s perspective. Yesterday I was struck with the verse in Exodus 23:2, “You shall not follow the masses……in doing evil.”
One reader after catching up on the last several blogs commented, “News on your blog is quite shocking” A few weeks ago another had commented, “…..being selective about what I read, I was lead to open your blog which confirmed what I had been sensing ….”
Responding to Jesus command to ‘Watch and pray” we must not be ostriches burying our heads in the sand out of fear of being ‘shocked’ at the truth about the ‘big bad world‘ out there (which we were honestly unaware of when we lived in Northern Ireland.)
Neither does it mean we should allow the flood of information now available through the internet to overwhelm us.
We must be lead by the Spirit in all things including what we choose to read as we seek out ‘the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth‘ from whatever quarter, about the evil in ‘the world’
…….. but beyond that, about the goodness of our God, and his sovereign plan to have the truth as made known through Jesus Christ, set the whole of creation free!