It was C.S. Lewis who said, “Pain is God’s megaphone to arouse a deaf world.”
Some Americans who voted for Joe Biden (like Naomi Wolf ) are having ‘voter’s remorse’.
Aroused by the pain, they realize it seems to be back to ‘Business As Usual’ in the corrupt DC Swamp….. as illustrated by the list below.
So we are out of work, back to war (bombing Syria on Thursday) and still funding the Wuhan lab to create another pandemic virus!
Here is who Joe is choosing to promote healthy family life………..
When we were starting our family, we found James Dobson’s books and his “Focus on the Family” was a great resource.
A few days ago Focus on the Family had it’s Twitter account locked…… for suggesting boys and girls are different. Imagine that!
Among other things, Dobson advised us on how to, “Win the War on Whining”
(Personally, I enlisted the little parrot above to help. He emigrated with us to the USA and is now our grandkids friend, still singing (even with one eye!) the same song I taught him all those years ago, highlighting the scripture, “Do everything without complaining or arguing so that you will be blameless and pure, children of God in the midst of a a crooked and perverse generation among whom you SHINE as lights in the world.” (Phil.2:14,15))
……….so I won’t complain about these dark developments moving us toward a Totalitarian nightmare, nor argue with the Sovereign Lord about the perfect timing of his deliverance!
Last week my friend Collins sent me this beautiful painting of our Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles Deliverer!
……..rather we will embrace the truth, “He will keep you in PERFECT PEACE whose mind is stayed on you, because he TRUSTS in you.” (Is.26:3)
So as we repeatedly focus our minds and still our hearts, we simply take the next responsible step to SHINE
………. as we, ‘Love the next person’ our Father sets in front of us!
That is why as I said in the last blog we are excited to begin our new As Partners Together group this Sunday for young married or soon to be married couples, and to announce the upcoming FREEDOM! retreat to facilitate families who want to live, ‘Happily Ever After‘ …..the way God intends, and gives grace for us so to do.
At the FREEDOM! weekend, (April 23rd 24th) we will be taking our cue from the honest, rational, courageous and increasingly censored scientists I have frequently referenced, not from the diabolically false, fear and shame based, Mainstream propaganda.
We will therefore not be requiring masks. (Though people will be free to wear them if they so desire)
There will instead be plenty of healing hugs and smiles, songs and laughter, and probably a few tears, as we dismiss the legion of dark influences that have wormed their way into our lives, and as we are restored more fully to the glorious FREEDOM! wherewith Jesus Christ, the Deliverer has set us free!
Sound like heaven? Add in Lois’ cooking…….It will be!
As someone said, “It is better to light a candle, than to curse the B.bc/pbS.”
…or as Jesus said, “Let your light so SHINE before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matt.5:16)