In the Community Foundations Course I wrote and taught for many years, I drew from Derek Prince’s teaching in The Marriage Covenant where he explains ‘koinonia’, the word that translates to ‘fellowship’ is ‘sharing in the common life of God’ i.e the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
To experience this we need to be…
1.Walking in ‘the light‘ (1 Jn 1:7)
2. Walking in Covenant (That cannot be reduced to one text, but requires a full study of the Old and New Covenants/Testaments : – )
In yesterday’s blog I talked about a group whom I have been given locally, to ‘walk out’ ‘koinonia’ with ……4 of whom live here in The Big Green House!
As I was completing yesterday’s blog I asked a couple of them to come, read and comment on it. Then the other two ‘just happened’ to pass through my study on their own business. So I nabbed them, and asked them also to check it out.
Interestingly each of the ‘koinonia’ four offered a minor correction to my FATHERSCORRECTION blog : – )
….Our Father working through the Spirit in the Body of Christ, his Son.
Minutes after posting the blog, Brian, the fifth and final brother in this circle of ‘koinonia’ who had just read the blog, sent me this email
“Love the blog. At tonight’s meeting at WOTL I had a picture of canoeing into a storm. The Father was steering the canoe, the Holy Spirit was supplying the power in the front and I was sitting in the middle as the duffer (along for the ride). It was an intense storm and I wanted them to go to shore where it would be safe. They were both smiling. I wondered where Jesus, the Son was and, of course, he showed up walking on the water. The STORM of the LORD is here!“
…..Our Father’s ‘Chuckling Cherry’ on the ‘koinonia’ cake!!!!!
I realized Brian’s vision was a reiteration of the passage that launched and undergirds this GODSELECTION blog series. Psalm 2 begins
” Why do the nations CONSPIRE and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the LORD and against his anointed, saying,”Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.”
The One enthroned in heaven LAUGHS; the Lord scoffs at them.
Like the giddy girls ‘schrunchingly distanced’ on Sunday’s super sled, our little band had just experienced again
…..The Miracle of Love on this journey together, where indeed we are just, in Brian’s words, “Duffers along for the ride” : – )
….that ‘koinonia’ that Jesus prayed for in John 17, and pointed to in Jn.13:25,
“By this will all men know you are my disciples, because of your love for one another“
How appropriate for Part 16 of this series – the number of aspects of ‘LOVE described in 1 Cor.13! Ha! What a Dad!
P.S. As if to confirm the ‘Chuckling Cherry’ title yet again, I have just received another email (as I am writing this in the middle of our night!) from a dear sister in Wales (who incidentaly is suffering deeply from an illness.)
.……proving that true ‘koinonia’ has no physical boundaries : – )
“Good morning Paul,
Just here chuckling. Woke in the early hours, having checked what time it was I noticed your blog had arrived. Determined not to “play on my phone”, I tried to rest and had been praying around old mind sets, when I felt prompted to read the blog ☺️. I love our Father’s sense of humour!
God bless