Dear friends,
Two pieces of personal news we’d like to share with you.
Firstly we sent out the following email a few days ago. It went to our ‘Praying friends’ list, which some of you may not be on which is why it is going out again as this blog. (If you would like to be added to that PF list, just send me an email with ADD in the subject line.)
Dear friends,
We are happy to announce Hilary and Abby have just launched a new website, home of
These ‘one off’ garments for little ones are made from pre loved natural fibers such as linen and wool. The wool has been felted and then reborn in the form of one of Hilary’s unique designs.
The vision for these products is to bring back natural life giving fibers each having the frequency of 5,000 Hertz to impart life-giving energy to little ones!
Organic cotton is 100 Hz, and regular cotton is 70 Hz. The human body has a signature frequency of 100 Hz. so if it falls below this, it moves in the direction of sickness! Polyester, rayon and silk register around 15 Hz.!
Enjoy these beautiful health giving creations on your ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’, children, grandchildren and friend’s children. They are cosy, soft and comfortable to wear, and fun to make!
Warmest winter greetings!
Hilary and Abby
You can visit our website here:
P.P.S. The models are our youngest grandson Luke and his best friend Orla and her baby sister.
The second personal item is that Alan Crookham just posted yesterday an interview he did with me on his Youtube channel, “Revival Carriers.” he did a great job interviewing me, if you’d like to catch it below.
At one point in the interview Alan asked me about hearing God, and in my reply I mentioned numbers, illustrating it by pointing out that the password I was sent to access our online meeting was 27, and how this was a number that had regularly featured in my life e.g. as birthdate, wedding date, street on which we live and life chapter from the bible, Acts 27.
It was only when he sent me the video yesterday I realized the interview was as you can see number 28 in his series.
Acts 27 is the story about Paul’s being shipwrecked. The boat went down, but all on board were saved. Acts 28 tells how they made it to shore on the island of Melita, (Malta) which means ‘honey’ representative of ‘the promised land’ ‘flowing with milk and honey’ (Ex.3:8). The number 28 relates to ‘walking in the Spirit’ which is in fact our ultimate goal – to be lockstep with Jesus!
I sensed this was another sign that we were at that point of transition in the redemption story even as we see the ship of ‘the world’s system’ as we have known it going down! God’s plan involves the ‘Overcomer company’ (represented in the story by Paul and Aristarchus) ‘standing up’ in their role (Acts 27:21) so that all can in the end of the day make it safely to shore.
As I was waking this morning I had a dream in which we were ‘relaying‘ a road surface with ‘tarmacadam.‘ John MacAdam was the Scottish road engineer who pioneered the raising and paving of roads. Mac means ‘son of’ so macadam means ‘son of Adam‘. I believe this again speaks of our transitioning fully into our new identity as sons of ‘the last Adam’, Jesus Christ, called to walk together, with him, on the ‘highway of holiness’. In the dream we were driving a red steamroller.
I also subsequently realized that our first ‘personal announcement’ was also to do with a ‘reworking’ of life giving ‘natural’ God given materials, for the benefit of our children : – )