Early on the Saturday after the election, Father said to me I should do a ‘Victory Lap‘ – a 25 mile cycle circle around the beautiful tree lined City of Lakes. As I set out I noted it was 7.06 so realized it was about a cleansing ‘cycle’ as 76 is the number for cleansing
Only God knows what His ‘Victory’ will look like ‘on the ground’ over the next days, weeks, months and years, but I was given a joyful song of praise as I placed my trust in Him and blessed our earthly City, noticing every single tree was joining me with arms uplifted in victory and praise!
The Harfing Giants of Mainstream Media and Big Tech have declared their own ‘victory’ following the election.
But have they ‘jumped the gun’?
I’m wondering how this all fits with the storyline I have been given which has our heroes Jill, Eustace and Puddleglum escaping the stronghold of the Harfung Giants to avoid becoming ‘pie filling’. With good Aslan’s help they then play their part in seeing the whole world set free from the enchantment of the evil Queen.
(In case you haven’t picked it up from previous blogs, this is a reference to The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis which I believe gives a prophetic picture for these days.)
So which storyline are we to believe?
Can we trust Dr Fauci?
Someone who is said to have funded the lab that developed the virus and is part of the Harfung propaganda machine that controls the narrative through Big Tech suppressing voices of dissent on social media, and controls the people with an ongoing narrative of fear and deceit through the Mainstream Media?
Dr Fauci’s latest order was simply, “Just do what you are told!“
At the same time the ‘expert’ continues to ignore soundly scientific, simple, affordable and life saving treatment protocols such as the one discussed by these fine doctors below.
Thankfully, our household are successfully navigating Covid with a foundation of metabolic health, routine attention to good diet, optimized Vitamin D and C levels, exercise, sleep, and essential oils, to which we added as recommended above baking soda, hydrogen water, ketones, and of course another effective treatment which has been much despised.
The sign “In Fauci We Trust” I believe illustrates the collective “Stockholm Syndrome” that so many have succumbed to, where because of childhood trauma we end up blindly trusting those in positions of authority who have not proved themselves trustworthy.
Prompted by last Sunday”s news from the UK that Jonathan Sacks, the well known and respected Chief Rabbi for 22 years had just died, I picked up again his last book, “Morality” that I had begun a few weeks ago. There I read,
“French philosopher Emanuel Levinas believed that moral obligation is born at the moment when we encounter ‘the face of another’ His view was that some basic act of recognition takes place when we make eye contact with another human being, here is a person to whom I have duties because he or she is a person…..the face speaks to me and therefore invites me to a relation …….. Meaning is the face of the Other.“
Can we trust Joe Biden?
Someone who says his first order of business is to prioritize the mandatory covering of faces for all, an action that would contribute, according to Levinas, to a destruction of Morality, Meaning and Human Relationship? This is what the current science says about the physical aspect,
When Joe Biden was asked before the nation in the televised presidential debate, “Will you pledge not to to declare victory until the election results have been independently verified?” he answered “Yes” and look what has happened…..
The Battle we’ve been Born Into is.
……..between the ‘father of lies’, (Jn.8:44) who seeks to keep everything ‘in the dark’ (‘Mystery Babylon‘) and to ‘steal, kill and destroy‘ (Jn. 10:10) the human race whose face bears the image and likeness of God. (Gen.1:26)
…..and the ‘Father of lights’, who is even now bringing everything ‘into the light.’ “For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.’ (Lk.8:17)
I rode on past Dr Fauci’s sign, towards the Mississippi river named by the first European explorer, “The Great River of the Holy Spirit‘.
On the eve of the GODSELECTION of the country’s 46th president, Psalm 46 and this river were the inspiration for a song** I was given years ago, that begins, “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of our God.”
It speaks about the rivers…
of history and destiny,
of grace and mercy,
and ultimately of God’s
…….flowing out through you and me.
As I puffed along the bluff, I had a vision of a poker table where at the end of the game the Lord with a smile on his face reached out his arms to gather into himself all of the piles of coins around the table!
“This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. 7 I will shake ALL nations, and what is desired by ALL nations will come, and I will FILL this house with GLORY,’ says the Lord Almighty. 8 ‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” (Hag.2:6-8)
Let us not trust in any man, be it a Fauci a Biden….or even a Trump, for the central theme of scripture is summarized in it’s central verse, “It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man.”(Psalm 118:8)
God is the only one who has proven absolutely trustworthy, never having failed us. He will in the end keep all of his promises and redeem the whole of his creation. This is the unshakable storyline that will inevitably unfold in God’s perfect time. A story of perfect love that will in the end cast out all fear, except for ‘the fear of the Lord’ which ‘is clean, enduring forever.’ (Ps. 19.9)
Let “The Preacher’s” last word be my last word,
“Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the duty of all mankind.
For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil.” (Eccl.12:13,14)
“This is the Victory that has overcome the world – even our faith!” (1Jn.5:4)
Our good friend Collins who cares for the flock in Great Barrington has sent us this beautiful song the Spirit has just given him, also confessing…In God We Trust.‘
** There is a River. The Trek of the Bright Hostage CD