It may have been Mark Twain who said, “It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they are being fooled.”
Edward Bernays, the ‘Father of propaganda’ said. “First name call ( Conspiracy Theorists, Anti Vaxers, Covid Deniers) then appeal to authorities”..…”Believe me I’m a Fact Checker” : – )
The bible tells us that each of us are responsible to, “Test ALL things. Hold fast to what is good.“ (1 These. 5:21)
It also says,”Faithful are the wounds of a friend, profuse are the kisses of an enemy.” (Prov.27:5)
I would rather someone challenge me than flatter me or just ‘Unsubscribe’ without first expressing their objection.
I recently appreciated three long standing friends ‘pushing back” about the notion of conspiracy. I have been pondering what they (you) said and began forming a response in the last blog. Of course there is “a lot of craziness out there” however I thought in this follow up blog I would use their objections as a springboard to offer up three honorable perspectives you will not get in the Mainstream Harfung media so that you can ‘Test’ them for yourself.
One friend warned me off the notion of ‘a grand conspiracy’
1. Agenda 21 may not even be considered a ‘conspiracy’ since it is ‘hidden in plain sight’. I suppose it relies on the reality that most people lead busy lives and don’t have time to look into these things. However trust in politicians and the press and the ‘experts’ is at an all time low and so more and more people are thinking twice before swallowing all they are fed hook, line and sinker.
I would recommend the following interview as a primer.
Another doctor friend expressed concerned about my concern over vaccines.
2. Robert F Kennedy Jr as a member of the Kennedy family (JFK’s nephew) peeks people’s interest. He is the founder of the world’s largest clean water advocacy group. His website is As I have followed and listened to this man of faith, courage and integrity over the years, he has become one of my heros! Were you aware of probably the largest gathering in German history a few weeks ago, where an estimated 1 million people came to listen to him? Probably not if you still rely on the Harfung media who rather than reporting this sort of real news give mainly information supporting their backer’s views.
Here is Bobby Kennedy speaking prior to the German rally.
A third good friend wrote. “As for Cue anon. That is a laughable rightwing conspiracy”
3. Cue is the way I write the letter because all things related to this are now being tracked and heavily censored by the Harfung social media platforms. So if this is the last blog you get from me – you’ll know what happened : – )
Next to President T himself, Cue is the most maligned subject on Harfung Media which in itself says a lot. I have been following the posts (not second hand reports about the posts) for a few years now.
I appreciate the way this open military intelligence source does not tell you what to think, but simply asks questions and encourages you to do the work. “Test ALL things”
The slogan WWG1WGA (Where We Go One We Go All) is pro humanity and God acknowledging, attracting a rapidly growing number of diverse followers (anons) from across the world. The main thrust I have found is a desire and commitment to expose societal corruption, so it can be dealt with.
I have found Dave Hayes ( ) helpful in making sense of the posts. After a radical conversion, God used Dave as a paramedic (hence his pseudonym prayingmedic) to pray for and see thousands of people healed, one at at time in ambulances! He taught on hearing God’s voice and healing, but then God clearly spoke to him about ‘decoding’ cue posts. I have found him a level headed, honest and humble seeker after truth and with his commentary found cue’s post’s consistently reliable, reasonable and quite remarkable. Click below to read one of Dave’s recent blogs about the Harfung media’s attacks.
Psalm 2 describes God’s response to authentic human conspiracy “The one enthroned in heaven laughs” (Psalm 2: 4)
As I said to my friend (who is still my friend.) “Time will tell whether the laugh is borne out on earth or in heaven : – )”
In the meantime may we all seek to walk with a ‘repentant disposition’ i.e. an openness to changing our mind and our behavior, as we, “Test…ALL things.”
So please. before you hit the Unsubscribe button, send me a message letting me know what you think : – )