A few mornings ago just before waking, I found myself in a realm where I was singing a song with another brother we are in close fellowship with. We were given the song by the Spirit, in tandem, line by line. The theme of our song was “How long?” – as in Rev. 6:9,10
“When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had upheld. They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”
As our intercession joined with these souls under the altar, I knew this cry went beyond those clearly identified as martyrs for their faith in Christ, to the children who were aborted before seeing the light of day……. and that this 2000+ year long prayer, was about to be answered!
This past weekend we had a wonderful personal experience of justice coming to pass.
The long dark cloud of opposition to the ministry of hospitality here at Rivendell I have blogged about over the last few years has lifted, and the sun is shining again, more brightly than ever!
The Divine Court case that we knew had been won in the heavenlies has now played out on earth, and within a few weeks the opposition, coming through a neighbor in tandem with our City authorities, has disappeared, and a new family has moved in next door!
Let me take this opportunity to clarify again that by the subtitle to the above video, “Removal Of-fence” I am using ‘offence’ in the sense of ‘a violation of God’s law’. We have sought all along not to ‘take offense’ and have forgiven, prayed for and blessed both our neighbor and the members of the City Council through whom the spiritual attack (offense) upon us has come. As I have said a number of times, I believe all of us are simply playing ‘the role’ allocated in the Divine Drama and even as God has “bound everyone over to disobedience” so in the end he has obligated himself to, “have mercy on them all.” (Rm.11: 32)
My thanks to one reader who wrote taking exception to my pointing out in a past blog that the FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith’s name described the offence he had admitted to and been charged with (as in ‘C – lying- smith’?). I realize it may be a bit of a stretch for some to join me in my belief that our smiling Dad is ‘hooked on phonics’, however, this connection was pointed out with no animosity toward dear Kevin, who in the end of the day will, I believe, be forgiven his offense by his heavenly father, and awaken to his true identity as a ‘son of God’, and renamed, “Truthsmith”
News of our new neighbor’s arrival came when we were in Ireland through a text from Gilbert. “The new family have moved in. They are a BIG HIT. They want to know can we take down the fence? ”
Last Saturday, which I realized afterwards was “the last and greatest day of the feast” (of Tabernacles) we had indeed a great feast here as we welcomed our new neighbors, ‘The Smiths’, and their two delightful children into our home.
The first conversation I had with the new neighbor ‘Dad’ centered around the delight of little George as he was discovering what a wonderful world he has landed in! ….and how sad it is that we loose that sense of wonder in life over the years!
The 13 of us seated round the table, shared stories over the sumptuous meal of waguburgers and all the trimmings (courtesy of George’s Dad, Bill, our first non-Kyle residents in many months). All three families assembled recounted the ‘whispers’ and the flow of grace that had accompanied our transitioning together at this time to ‘Rivendell’.
The morning after this beautiful event I received the following email from friends in Belfast who knew nothing of what had happened the night before,
The last blog, “The King is Coming!” featured the ‘fire in the north‘ being rekindled and a light of truth being lit through The Great Barrington Declaration. Just in the past week that fire has grown to over 10 times the size it was, with now nearly half a million signatories!
Yesterday I was sent another video (below) which builds on this global justice development as Mystery Babylon/ the Queen of Underland and her corrupt corporate accomplices/ Harfung Giants, are exposed and brought to account. (I blogged about this biblical and literary template in Revelation 18 and C.S. Lewis’ “The Silver Chair”, that I have found helpful in making sense of our world today, on May 17th and 21st.)
This, alongside our own little personal ‘justice’ story in Robbinsdale is what inspired the title “The Judge is Coming!” – for “The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”
Interestingly the video, despite my reposting it, seems to default to start at the 49 second mark. Please be sure to listen from the very start. Dr Reiner Fuellmich begins by giving his credentials, experience and success as a trial lawyer against fraudulent corporations, “such as Deutsche Bank, formerly one of the largest and most respected banks in the world, now one of the most toxic criminal organizations in the world, and Volkswagen, formerly one of the largest and most respected car manufacturers in the world now notorious for it’s giant diesel fraud…..”
Could the Queen and her Giants be panicking?
Finally from the American side here is Dr Russell Blaylock talking science, sense and sentencing for those politicians and policy makers on this side of the Atlantic who may also be found guilty of ‘Crimes against Humanity.’