Having just set foot again on Irish sod, and with our other foot planted firmly on American dirt, it seems like an appropriate time to publish this blog…..
As I woke a few mornings ago, I believe Father spoke to me,
“As was Paisley, so is Trump.”
He pointed out to me similarities between the two men.
- Both where ‘Wild Celts’ of Scottish origin. Like Braveheart, neither could be accused of a lack of courage.
- Neither were career politicians. Paisley was initially a clergyman, Trump a businessman.
- Both could be described as ‘bombastic’
- Both have an abrasive ‘public’ persona, reportedly quite different to their kindlier private treatment of individuals.
- Both provoke a very strong reaction either ‘for’ or ‘against’.
Last week I mentioned the ‘miracle’ we experienced in Community of the King where, when the world’s press were putting out headlines about death and destruction in Northern Ireland, heaven’s press were focused on a different story as we experienced the Lord changing hearts, healing relationships and mending a divided community. Come Lord Jesus was an expression of this action of the Holy Spirit.
After 35 years of the ‘Troubles’ another miracle took place on the political front. The way I recall hearing it was that, one evening Ian Paisley came down from a prayer time in his bedroom and announced to Eileen his wife. “God says there is ONE MORE THING I have to do……we need to leave a legacy of peace for our children'”
In a totally unforeseen move he extended a hand of friendship to the leading Republican politician, Martin McGuinness. and as they say ‘the rest is history’ as the ‘chuckle brothers’ oversaw an end to the long years of VIOLENCE.
In Matt, 24: we read, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.”
In Genesis 6:12 we read about the days of Noah, “Now the earth was CORRUPT in God’s sight and full of VIOLENCE”
This is once again the violent and corrupt world we find ourselves living in today.
Because God promised to never again destroy the earth with a flood I. like many, believe we are to expect a flood of the Holy Spirit resulting in a great harvest being gathered, in the midst of the darkness, as illustrated in the ‘Come Lord Jesus” painting by Colin Davidson
“So what has this to do with the book Father Elijah?” you might ask again.
The pinnacle of Elijah’s prophetic ministry could well be seen as the dramatic confrontation with the prophets of Baal at Mt Carmel. Then after God coaches him through his post ministry blues at Horeb, he says,
“Oh, and by the way Elijah……. ONE MORE THING’
He then tells Elijah to anoint Jehu as king.
Jacque Ellul writes brilliantly in his book, “The Politics of God and the Politics of Man” about how a clearly imperfect man called Jehu, is the one God selects, as an instrument of judgment, on a system that is CORRUPT
I believe God was showing me last night that so with Donald Trump at a time in his life when he could retire to a place of peace and safety to enjoy his great wealth, he has been called knowingly or unknowingly as was Ian Paisley to do……
P.S. I suppose it was inevitable that after last week’s blog one of you would have sent me the recording of Days of Elijah, by Robin Mark! The other “One More Thing’ however Elijah was given to do, was to anoint Elisha as prophet. These are the days we are entering. Remember the (16) miracles of Elisha were double that of Elijah (8) !!