Inspired by the early Methodist’s greeting to one another, “Do I meet you praying?’ ……..I received this poem while cycling down a country lane this morning, as I was reveling in the old hymn, Loved with everlasting love, lead by grace that love to know…….. to encourage one another in that aspiration toward uninterrupted communion with the Divine.
Do I meet you smiling?
If not
Then stop
And tell;
“Yes! All is well
In heaven and in hell,
For He in heaven abiding
Is now in you residing
And over all presiding.
And all that blocked the flow
Of joy to earth below
Was in the Lamb residing,
Who cancelled debt outstanding
To make earth, heaven’s landing
……..In your heart,
……..And in mine.”
To not smile?…..but to whine?
It’s very simply……….asinine!