Yesterday we flew back to Minneapolis from Boston.
As we boarded wearing our masks at half mast, so we could nose breath, we were chastised by a frightened looking man saying,
“Put your masks up. That doesn’t work. It’s against the rules!”
Of course we happily complied for his peace of mind.
An hour later on our sparsely peopled flight one of the flight attendants walking passed noticed I was no longer wearing my mask and said to me.
“Could you please put your mask on?”
“Could you please give me the reason?” I enquired politely.
“FDA regulations.” she replied pleasantly.
“OK” I replied, “I’ll certainly comply, but I’m a doctor and you know I don’t believe it is helpful.”
“Me neither!” she chuckled.
Later on in the flight she quietly approached me and gently touching my arm whispered,
“We’re on the same page. I think herd immunity is the way to go.”
Everyone else having left the plane, as I waited for my guitar at the door, we connected once again.
“You know what disappointed me most was that I wasn’t able to see your beautiful smiling face.” I joked.
Whipping off her mask, she give me a smile from ear to ear..
“Me too!” she laughed, pointing to her two perfect rows of pearly white teeth. “These are my best feature!”
I was reminded of a piece I wrote about an encounter with another flight attendant on the outward bound flight 7 weeks before.
(A reflection on being the only unmasked ones on an AA flight to Boston)
Would you like a mask sir?
No thank you.
We are asking everyone to wear a face mask.
Medical condition.
Oh. I see. Alright we do allow an exception for medical conditions.
Yes. I’m immunosuppressed
Oh! I’m sorry to hear that. Chemotherapy?
No 2020.
I’m sorry. I don’t understand?
I live in 2020
Sorry. I still don’t understand?
Our world is a toxic soup…..hormones in the water, pesticides on the food, arsenic in the air, mercury in the vaccines……
I see!
That’s why I’m immunosuppressed
I see. And how would the mask harm you?
It would further immunosuppress me.
How so?
By raising the carbon dioxide level and also reducing the oxygen in the breathed air behind the mask to a dangerously low level, it would put stress on my body, further compromising my immune system.
So is low oxygen a bad thing?
Yes. It’s like if I developed sleep apnea. I would then go to the doctor and he would treat me to prevent the development of heart disease, Alzheimer’s and so on….
Oh! I wouldn’t want that to happen!
Well those things would take some time to develop. It’s more an acute condition I would be concerned about
Acute? Is that like a coronavirus infection?
Correct. In fact that is the reason people are dying from coronavirus
Yes, they are finding that it is the lack of oxygen that causes cellular death and organ shut down
So by wearing a mask you would be creating the same conditions that cause Covid deaths!?
That’s right.
It might be true , but it certainly doesn’t seem right!
No. I agree. Viruses too.
What do you mean ‘Viruses too’?
The mask hinders your expelling viruses and means they are recirculated in that moist environment increasing the risk of activation and infection!
You mean you could get a viral infection?
Yes, and with my immunity further suppressed and oxygen depleted as well…..that wouldn’t be good for me!
But hold on a minute….I live in 2020 too!
That’s right.
So I’m immunosuppressed as well?
Oh my God!! …….Well at least I’m saving someone else’s life by reducing their chance of getting infected!
Not really.
What do you mean ‘Not really’?
It’s not airborne spread like Ebola. It’s surface spread.
Yes. And it’s not an untreatable grade 4 condition but a treatable grade 1
You mean I’m not saving anyone’s life ……….and I might just be – killing myself!!!??
(Ripping mask off and running down the aisle) ‘Everyone, get your masks off!!……Get them off! …….Right Now!!!’
With thanks to Dr. Russell Blaylock, Prof. Dolores Cahill and the OSHA regulations. Links are in previous posts
The first 5 lines are factual, the rest fantasy😊
P.S. God of course works all things together for good and one example was the new friend we connected with over mask wearing, seated outside a cafe in Boston. I posted about this on June 6th “Basking, Not Masking”
The above video was his farewell to us in Boston. Below is my response from Rivendell in Minneapolis.