My Dad used to say, “If you didn’t laugh you’d cry.” JP Sears does a great job at helping us laugh at today’s world that is so much madder than the Mad Mad Mad Mad World we laughed uproariously together at, over 50 years ago .
The Greatest Love Story Ever which Hilary and I sang, and I posted at the start of this series begins:
This is the Greatest Love Story Ever
PAIN beyond bearing. JOY beyond pain.
This of course refers to Jesus whom we are to fix our eyes on…..
“Who for the JOY set before him, endured the CROSS despising it’s shame” (Heb. 12:2)
“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” (Ps. 30:5)
Returning to the Ephesians 5 passage,
“Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will give you light.”
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because THE DAYS ARE EVIL
As for Jesus, so for us, before the JOY comes the PAIN, as we are awakened and enlightened first of all, to the EVIL in our day.
The other night in our fellowship meeting Lynn, a mature sister and friend, who is a true intercessor and whom we deeply respect, admitted,
“I had to repent for resisting this part of the ‘awakening’, because I didn’t want to face up to the fact that such evil and corruption existed in my world……...When I realized it did…… I had to WEEP!”
This week I found the ‘book end’ interview to the one I posted last, with Dr. Judy Mikovitz. This time it is another brave and brilliant lady from our home on the other side of the Atlantic. This Puddle glum – like Hero is Professor Dolores Cahill from Dublin. She is interviewed here by Del Bigtree on a program called “Unmasking the Truth.”
Anyone who has looked beyond the Mainstream media’s propaganda to find out what is really going on cannot but conclude that the handling of the current crisis has been CATASTROPHIC.
The concrete data is now proving that Covid -19 is a condition no more dangerous that the ‘seasonal flu’ with a comparable mortality to the 2017/18 influenza season were no special measures were taken.
(Here is a longer interview discussing this between Ivor Cummins and Nobel Prize Winner, and Stanford Professor, Michael Levitt…….
Yet the world has been ‘shut down’ and extreme and unprecedented measures instituted that have served only to ‘shut down’ our natural immune systems, destroying health rather than promoting it.
For example, the single greatest factor contributing to health and longevity as demonstrated in the world’s ‘Blue Zones’ whose population are the longest lived on the planet, is close knit COMMUNITY. We are bonding mammals’ called human beings! ‘Lockdowns’, ‘social distancing’ and masks all work to destroy both natural immunity and community and therefore mankind.
This coming weekend Hilary and Robin and I head to Boston for the amputation of Robin’s left leg on Wednesday 27th.
We are deeply thankful to our Father that Robin’s life saving surgery for the cancerous wound has only been put back by 5 days, however…..
We deeply weep for the thousands of people who will now die and loose loved ones as a result of delayed diagnosis and treatment of cancer and other serious conditions, and for the millions who as a result of the flawed leadership in this Plan-demic, will suffer and die as a result of it’s economic, mental and emotional impact.
Dolores spoke of the Irish Constitutions “inalienable right to bodily integrity.” JP Sears quips awkwardly about the long term solution now being proposed by the Mainstream agenda ……..nonconsensual penetration…, that’s not date rape, that’s
…...STATE RAPE!……euphemistically called ‘Mandatory vaccination’
With a long term solution looking as CATASTROPHIC as was the short term one we can’t but ask, “Is the goal to cure us or to kill us?”
………like the GIANTS at Harfung?
Let me tie today’s real life scenario into the three stories I referenced in the last blog,’The Silver Chair, by C.S. Lewis, The Fall of Babylon in Revelation 18, and The Stranger, sent by our deceased friend Lois…….. as they have a bearing on The Greatest Love Story Ever.
It would seem to me that indeed Bill and Melinda Gates have been cast in the role of the King and Queen GIANTS of the House of Harfung,

Bill Gates who has stated publicly his desire to depopulate the world is the one who last year gave a $79 million grant to fund the now totally discredited Imperial College model on which the failed government policy has been based.
He is also one of those who has keep us ”spellbound’, through using his phenomenal wealth to fund and therefore control the voice of ‘the world’ through the Mainstream media’s narrative, for example in the UK through the BBC and in the US through NPR.
The bible tells us to “Love not the world’ (1 Jn. 2:15) i.e. as an evil spiritual system – not ‘the world‘ of people whom we are to love. And yet we continue to be wooed by the seductive words of ‘The Stranger’ in the corner of the room whose deceitfully glamorous message remains unchanged ……..mocking for example faith in God and saying it’s OK if we cheat on our wives.
(This morning as if to confirm this, in my reading Father pointed out The Stranger’s name!…..
“An arrogant man is inflated with pride— nothing but a snooty scoffer in love with his own opinion. Mr. Mocker is his name!No one believes a notorious liar, but the guarded words of an honest man stand the test of time.”
(Proverbs 21:24, 28 TPT)
It would seem that playing the part of King and Queen of the GIANTS of Harfung, the Gates have used wealth as a Babylonian ‘merchant,’ to ‘grow rich’ by trafficking “…in the bodies and souls of men….”
……through partnership with the Harfung Giants of BIG AG, like Monsanto, whose GMOs and pesticides, have for example driven thousands of peasant farmers in India to commit suicide,
…..through the Harfung Giants of BIG PHARMA who for example have robbed thousands of Kenyan girls of the gift of motherhood!
A part of my awakening to the extent of this evil and corruption, was on a recent flight. I ‘just happened’ upon the classic movie JFK which I had never watched. It shocked me that there was such overwhelming evidence about Kennedy’s assassination contradicting the ‘official’ explanation. (In the words of Bob Dylan’s recent release, “Murder Most Foul”) What shocked me even more was to read at the end that these dark powers had not been called to account!
What a joy to discover that the preface of Judy Mikovits’ book ‘Plague of Corruption’ that I linked to last week is written by JFK’s nephew, Robert F Kennedy Jr. and that JFK’s spirit of service for the people and the country, lives on in another member of the family whose integrity and character seem to shine in the darkness.
Here is a short summary illustrating the dangers I have outlined above by Robert F Kennedy Jr.
James Corbett has done an excellent job in gathering more information to answer the question, “Who is Bill Gates?” at
When we awaken to the fact that evil and corruption do exists in our world then like Lynn……… we cannot but ‘WEEP’
While all of this should sadden us, it should not shock us!
Matt.24:37 says “As it was in the days of Noah so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” What characterized the days of Noah? : “Now the earth was CORRUPT in God’s sight.” (Gen.6:11)“
One study has shown an uncanny correlation (comparable to the correlation between IQ and school grades!) between the prevalence (or perceived prevalence) of infectious diseases in a population and the desire for authoritarian leadership to cleanse the community and keep us ‘safe’.
Hitler was obsessive about both purity and power. We are currently witness ing many ‘little Hitlers’ being exposed as they ignore the science and utilize their positions of power to control and abuse rather than to serve the people.
Maybe this explains how in the current panic-demic many people are no longer willing to think clearly for themselves but anxious to trust those whom the Mainstream tells them are ‘experts’ and to meekly conform to overly authoritarian demands as they accept a narrative which continually works to heighten their FEAR.
Control the Media. Control the Narrative. Control the People
…..through FEAR
Edward Bernays, “The father of propaganda” and master of manipulation said that if you can’t silence the dissenters, then you smear them,
The Harfung GIANTS of BIG TECH are suppressing the truth, silencing ‘good’ people by discriminated against them in Google searches and de-platforming, censoring and often falsely accusing them of ‘Misinformation‘ on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Pintrest etc.
I have concluded that added to my 3 criteria for discernment, HUMILITY, INTEGRITY and FACTS THAT ADD UP OVER TIME I would add COURAGE
The many courageous people I have cited over the last weeks have not been intimidated by these Harfung Giants. They seem to have come to a place of spiritual surrender (no matter what their faith background!) where they no longer fear loss of reputation, money or even life.
Many of these whose views differs from the Mainstream narrative are now being SHAMED and labeled as ‘Dangerous conspiracy theorists!’
Maybe at this point you’re thinking “Gosh! Paul’s revealed his true colors…He’s a conspiracy theorist too!”
I would answer, “No I’m a conspiracy realist.”
The most insidious corruption is the CORRUPTION of language.
A few nights ago I watched a documentary that spoke about ‘the conspiracy‘ to destroy the Dakota culture and assimilate the Natives into white culture……. by destroying their language.
‘Conspiracy’ is one more word that has become debased and politicized. Conspiracy isn’t a theory, it is a reality. History is replete with conspiracy reality from the Dakota assimilation to “Et tu Brute!” to Guy Fawkes!
Yet nowadays there is such stigma associated with the word many people rush to say, “…..but of course I’m not a conspiracy theorist!” anxious lest they be numbered among ‘a lunatic fringe’
If you believe the Bible you are doubly obligated to acknowledge the reality of ”conspiracy’. Psalm 2 says, “Why do the nations rage and the people CONSPIRE against the Lord and against his anointed?”
The verse literally at the centre of the bible, Psalm 118:8, reflects this central message. “It is good to trust in the Lord and not put your confidence in princes.” In other words, “Don’t trust men….especially leaders!”
Jesus didn’t. While he valued each and every human soul we read, “But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. No one needed to tell him about human nature, for he himself knew what was in man.” (Jn.2:24,25)
On the contrary, the bible instruct us to “Test all things. Hold fast to what is good.” (1 These 5:21)
I don’t believe we should be ‘taking sides’.
Jesus is not coming to take sides…… he is coming to take over
…….to, in the end, conquer ALL…… by the irresistible power of his love.
Truth is not a Destination, it is a Disposition, where we in humility continually stay close, listening to what he is saying…the one who is “the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE” (Jn.14:6)
FEAR + SHAME are the devil’s weapons, used by ‘the world‘
Thankfully Jesus came
“…..full of TRUTH and GRACE”…….to destroy the works of the devil.( Jn.1:14, 1Jn.3:8)
That will be the theme next time:
“The Greatest Love Story Ever.” Part 4. Just Give Me The Good News.
P.S. This morning Father confirmed again the above word and its timing. You may recall the ‘drama’ last year surrounding the ministry of hospitality at the Big Green House, created by a disgruntled neighbor who lives next door at #2725 (which just happens to be the Strongs number for ‘accuser‘ )
This morning, after a several month lull, we once again got an officious letter from the City precipitated by further complaints, requesting an inspection, despite the fact that we have been and continue to be in complete compliance with the law.
As I read the letter out to Hilary, finding it difficult to disguise my frustration, I glanced down at our morning Psalm, number 44….
13.“You have caused our neighbors to despise us and scorn us….
and then,
3.“Our forefathers didn’t win these battles by their own strength or their own skill or strategy. But it was through the shining forth of your radiant presence and the display of your mighty power. You loved to give them victory, for you took great delight in them.”
Thank you Father!