A few weeks ago Hilary and I felt prompted to begin the Naturalization process in order to become US citizens. Next August will mark the 26th anniversary of our moving here from Ireland, and we would have been eligible to have applied after 5 years residencey as Permanent Residents (Green Card holders). Neither of us however had felt lead to do so….until a few weeks ago.
After filling out the forms and of course paying the substantial fee, we announced to Gilbert what we had just done.
‘”Oh! I have just done that too!” said Gilbert – to his and our surprise!
Sure enough then, last week all three acknowledgement forms from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services arrived in the mail at our house ….on the same day!!!
This to us was clearly a triple witness that we had heard from the Lord and that it was HIS TIME for us to take this step.
Ironically over the past few days I have been recalling some of the questions we had to answer in order to be allowed to become citizens of the United States, some of which seemed quite odd at the time.
For example Question 13 stated
13. Between March 23, 1933 and May 8, 1945, did you work for or associate in any way (either directly or indirectly) with The Nazi government of Germany?
We answered “NO.” However over the last few days I have realized in the light of current developments in the US how ironic this question is, ensuring that no one with Totalitarian leanings should be allowed into the country. Many Governors and Mayors in the USA over the last days have behaved as little dictators releasing convicted felons from prison while at the same time prosecuting those who have chosen to just go about their normal business!
Another question was
14. Were you EVER involved in any way with not letting someone practice his or her religion?
Again we answered “NO” but I was struck again by the irony of this question as over the last several weeks we have been forbidden to practice our religion which exhorts us “Let us not give up meeting together.” (Heb. 10:25)…. the very thing our State Governor has forbidden us to do!
Another question was
45. Do you support the Constitution and form of Government of the United States?
I answered “Yes” but it now would appear to us that many in government in the United States do not support their own Constitution, in the light of the draconian measures that have recently been instituted radically restricting the freedoms we thought were guaranteed by the American Constitution!!!
So did we make a mistake in choosing to make the USA, ‘officially’ our new homeland at this time?
I don’t believe so. I was directed to Jeremiah 29: 7, “Seek the welfare of THE CITY where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on it’s behalf, for in it’s welfare you will have welfare.” This is why we are here.
We have come to understand that THE CITY we are to pray for goes far beyond the physical city of Minneapolis in the USA. We believe it is in fact the city described in Revelation 18 as, ‘MYSTERY BABYLON’. It is a dark spiritual kingdom called elsewhere in scripture ‘Sodom’ or ‘Egypt’ that has existed throughout the whole earth. We have all, often unwittingly, been dwelling in it – until NOW…..for we have come to believe,
“Now is the Time of God’s Favor”
It is God’s time for her to fall…. as described in Revelation 18.
This evil system is being overthrown……and the people being set free.
For the kingdom of this world it shall become
The kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ
And he shall reign for ever and evermore
If you would like to participate with us in a prayer campaign on Thursday 7th toward this end.
The campaign is initiated by Dr. Stephen Jones whom we have known for many years. He has written extensively about the biblical foundation for this at his website godskingdom.org
A few weeks ago he told how Darla his wife was the last person to be admitted to the local hospital for elective surgery before the lockdown. she was having HIP surgery. Interestingly that same day our cat, Izzy went missing. We found her hiding behind sofa, and when she eventually emerged saw that she had disclocated her HIP!
As I pondered the significance of this “God-incidence’ I was reminded of the story of Jacob wrestling with God until his hip was ‘put out’ (The hip as the strongest joint in the body represents our own ‘natural’ strength.) Only then was his name (and nature) changed to Israel, “God Rules’.
At the end of his life the one sentence he is afforded in Hebrews, highlights this pivotal event, “Jacob WORSHIPPED as he leaned on the top of his staff.” When we acknowledge that it is God and not we who are in charge, we are then truly ‘Overcomers’… able to worship “in spirit and in truth.’
Today is suggested as a time to ensure we are aligned with God in this way so we can be his “Amen” on earth as we agree with what he has ordained at this time from heaven.
We are glad to report both Darla and Izzy seem to be healing well!