We have four Pauls currently living in the Big Green House…….and all family!!!!
Paul Gilbert (66)
Robin Paul (42)
Ravi Padraig Paul (11)
and Winston Paul (4)
Last Sunday Ravi and Ajay, uncle Gilbert and I continued our weekly study of the Acts of the Apostles together. Our appreciation for the Apostle Small, – Oh sorry! – the Apostle Paul, has been rekindled! (Paul actually means ‘small’)
Of course the great apostle didn’t start out as a Paul (small), but as a Saul which means ‘demander’. Unlike his Old Testament counterpart however, Saul of Tarsus finished well, because he embraced the humiliation he experienced on the road to Damascus and subsequently humbled himself, thus securing the new name, and the nature, of the one, Jesus he had just encountered, the one who, though he was in the form of God, ’emptied himself’ taking the form of a servant….becoming obedient unto death on a cross. (Phil.2)
Paul knew that as a disciple he might well share his Master’s fate and also be executed, but no matter, he knew it was a ‘Win/Win‘ situation and said,
“For to me, to live is Christ; to die is gain!” (Phil.2:21)
As we read together Paul’s various trials one word stood out to me……..
I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own Covid-19 countrymen, in danger from Gentiles, in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea, in danger from false brothers, and in danger from Sabre tooth tigers……..Woops! Sorry! – a couple more typos! (2 Cor. 11:26, 27)
Do you get my point?
It was the same Paul who said,
“God has NOT given us a spirit of FEAR, BUT of power and of LOVE and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim.1:7)
This week we moved on to Acts 27 which records one of those times when he was “in danger at sea.” He was on his way to Rome having already sent them a letter with these words he would now be tested on. “And we know, those who love God, that he works ALL things (‘ABSOLUTELY all things’) together for good.” (Rm.8:28)
The message he then delivered to all on board?
“FEAR NOT…..God has graciously given…….”
In scientific terms he had learned how to move seamlessly from a measured sympathetic (fight or flight) response, to these many dangers, back to a parasympathetic repose, for healing and growth! The fact that this 60 year old swam safely to shore in the midst of a storm after a 14 day fast, says a lot not just about his faith, but about the strength of his body and resilience of his immune system!
I love the biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton’s journey from atheism to faith through science. As a pioneer epigeneticist he has courageously gone out ahead of the ‘Mainstream’ to discover ‘truth’ that will eventually benefit us all.
I don’t know whether he has had a Damascus Road encounter with Jesus yet or not, but he sure has discovered that healthy ‘fear’ what the bible calls ‘the fear of the Lord’, like the Roman centurion whose faith (prayer) evidenced by works (alms) got God’s attention and approval! (Acts 10)
Add the wisdom of this honest scientist to the faith of this humble apostle and
“….. by God….. we are BULLETPROOF!!”
P.S. I deliberately wanted to send this encouraging email out immediately after the last one that made you aware of the very real danger that surrounds us….not so much from Covid -19, but from corrupt corporations. Yesterday I found this most reassuring article on the subject, again not to be found on ‘the world’s’ Mainstream media. Please click on below, read and rejoice!